Chapter 1339 Do you believe him?
"Zimeng..." Yin Chenxi and the others were worried as they saw Zimeng's face getting worse and worse.

"I'm fine." Zimeng smiled at them, but the smile was perfunctory, which made Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing even more worried.

After being settled, Zimeng sat alone in the room, listening to the words he heard on the road, Di Yuanmo was getting married, and the time was tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, they hurried along the way, but what they got was such a news.

"Zimeng, otherwise, let's go out for a walk, maybe we can meet something?" Yin Chenxi opened the door and walked in, stood beside Zimeng, and whispered.

She didn't want Zimeng to sit here alone, she would definitely think wildly here, now, go out for a while, maybe, there will be something else to gain.

"I'm not going. Hearing those words can only upset me." Zimeng looked at her helplessly. Yin Chenxi opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but seeing Zimeng's expression, But nothing can be said.

Gu Fanjing stood at the door and looked at the two of them. For a moment, he didn't know how to speak, and he didn't know how to comfort Zimeng.

They all knew that no one could get involved in the relationship between Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, so they didn't believe that Di Yuanmo would marry someone else.

However, the people on the road were talking like this, not to mention Zi Meng, they all almost believed it, and Zi Meng must feel uncomfortable.

I'm afraid that now, the best way to make a decision is to let Zimeng calm down for a while, and when she figured it out, this matter will be resolved.

"Zimeng..." Yin Chenxi said softly, and Zimeng turned to look at her.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just want to be quiet for a while, you two go out for a while." Zimeng smiled at her, Yin Chenxi turned to look at Gu Fanjing, Gu Fanjing nodded slightly, Yin Chenxi looked Zimeng sighed.

Zimeng has already said that, and they can't say anything else, so let Zimeng be quiet for a while.

Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing decided to go out and find out by themselves, which was the only thing they could do to help Zimeng.

After the two of them left, Zi Meng couldn't help but sighed and looked up out of the window.

"Do you believe he will abandon you?" Qinglong, who appeared at an unknown time, stood behind Zimeng and asked Zimeng seriously.

Zimeng turned her head and looked at Qinglong. Qinglong could see that Zimeng's face was full of depression.

"Qinglong..." Zimeng got up and looked at Qinglong, but didn't know what to say at this moment.

"In the past, you were the most confident in yourself, and you were also confident in him. Why are you so disappointed now?" Qinglong approached Zimeng and asked softly.

Zimeng raised her head to look at Qinglong, all of a sudden, feelings of grievance and loss surged up, her eyes gradually turned red, and seeing tears were about to flow, Qinglong held her in his arms helplessly.

"Even if he has been sealed with all his cultivation, he is not someone who easily compromises. Let alone whether the news spread outside is true or not, even if it is true, how do you know whether he is willing or not? ? Over the years, you should know him well, don't you?"

Qinglong patted Zimeng's back and comforted her softly. Zimeng was in Qinglong's arms, holding back her tears, and seriously began to think about these issues Qinglong said.

(End of this chapter)

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