Chapter 1341 is finally here
Soon, Qinglong and Gu Fanjing were kicked out by them, Zimeng put away the clothes everywhere, and Yin Chenxi started to help her change clothes.

Qinglong and the others had been waiting outside for a long time before the door opened. Yin Chenxi came out of the room and looked at them smiling happily. They looked at Yin Chenxi puzzled.

Why is she the only one coming out, Zimeng?

"Are you ready to make your eyes shine?" Yin Chenxi looked at them and said mischievously. As a result, both Qinglong and Gu Fanjing rolled their eyes. Yin Chenxi felt bored, so she moved aside, Zimeng's A figure appeared in front of their eyes.

A head of black hair was simply tied up, draped behind her back, and gently tied with a moon-white ribbon, wrapping her body in a moon-white dress. Although her face was only lightly made up, it was really eye-catching. one light.

"Didn't you attract everyone's attention by appearing like this?" Gu Fanjing looked at Zimeng speechlessly.

I have to say that Zimeng's dress is simple but exquisite, and it is in stark contrast to the fiery and lively wedding. I just don't know who is better than the so-called most beautiful woman in Wuwang City.

"Tomorrow, the two of you don't show up. If you really want to watch the excitement, hide in the dark." Zi Meng smiled at Yin Chenxi and Gu Fanjing, and they both agreed, because, No one knows what kind of danger there will be at that time.

On the day of their marriage, Zi Meng set off early, hid in the dark, watching the fiery scene, on the high seat, sat a smiling man, that must be Di Zhitian, right?
"The newcomer is here!" Hearing these words, Zimeng turned her head and looked over. Di Yuanmo walked over with a sullen face, dressed in red. Beside him was a bride with a red hijab on her head and being supported by others.

When seeing Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng was a little excited, but also a little distressed. Di Yuanmo lost weight and his complexion was not good.

As if feeling the presence of Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo suddenly raised his head and looked around, but he was a little disappointed to see Zi Meng's figure.

The process continued, Zi Meng hid in the dark, closed her eyes, until...

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Wait a minute!" Just when Di Yuanmo was resisting, he heard a familiar voice. He turned his head in a daze, looked into the sky, and smiled.

finally come!


"My husband is going to get married, why didn't anyone inform me? Isn't that unreasonable?" Floating in the air, her clothes and hair moved without wind, Zi Meng lowered her head and looked at Di Zhitian with a smile, Di Zhitian got up abruptly , looking at Zimeng.

He didn't expect that Zimeng would arrive so soon.

Zimeng saw the instant smile on Di Yuanmo's face when he saw her, she also smiled at Di Yuanmo, her body fell down very naturally, looking up at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo instantly forgot everything Everything, quickly walked towards Zimeng.

"Zi'er..." He wanted to say a lot to Zi Meng, but when he saw Zi Meng, he couldn't say anything.

"Yuan, I'm here." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with moist eyes.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Just when Di Yuanmo was about to hug Zi Meng into his arms, Di Zhitian suddenly spoke.

Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng stopped their movements and looked at him. He didn't care about Zi Meng's appearance at all, but had a confident expression on his face. Immediately, both Zi Meng and Di Yuan Mo felt bad. thought.

(End of this chapter)

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