Chapter 1345 Looks Handsome Again

"You..." Di Zhitian looked at Zimeng, unable to say a word.

"Since you haven't heard it, I'll explain it to you again. I think, as the emperor of Wuwang City, you are an extremely shameless person." Zi Meng said slowly, and said those words Everyone can see that Di Zhitian's complexion is very bad after saying it word by word!

However, everyone knew that what Zi Meng said was correct, what Di Zhitian said was really shameless.

How could it be possible to use Di Yuanmo to make others hand over the four great beasts?
What kind of existence are the four great beasts?

No matter who it is, it is impossible to easily give up the four great beasts, right?
not to mention?Di Zhitian still said these words in front of so many people, and under the eyes of everyone, he got not only the contempt of Zimeng, but also the contempt of these people.

"Hmph, no matter what you say, if you don't hand over the four great beasts, I will absolutely not recognize your identity, nor will I allow you to become a member of our emperor's family!"

Di Zhitian looked at Zimeng coldly, and he wanted to see, in Zimeng's heart, whether the four great beasts were more important or Di Yuanmo was more important.

No matter which aspect Zi Meng chooses, he will not suffer. If Zi Meng chooses to be with Di Yuanmo, then she will hand over the four great beasts. In her heart, the four great beasts are the most important.

When Di Yuanmo hears about Zi Meng's choice, he will definitely be disappointed. At that time, as long as Di Yuanmo continues to choose marriage, even without the four great beasts, his power will still increase!

"I think you're mistaken. My identity doesn't need to be recognized by anyone, let alone you. I will never let Yuan stay here. Moreover, my identity only needs to be recognized by Yuan alone. gone."

As Zi Meng said, she turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who looked at Zi Meng seriously.

Here, he doesn't want to stay any longer, but now, he wants to bring Di Xueyuan out with Zimeng. The reason why Di Xueyuan was locked up is because of helping the two of them, so they must Just rescue Di Xueyuan.

Otherwise, neither of them will feel at ease!

"Zi'er, you don't need me to admit your identity. On the contrary, as long as you don't leave me, it's fine. I don't care about other things." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng , with a faint smile on his face, Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo and laughed too.

I have to say, after not seeing him for a while, she thinks Di Yuanmo looks handsome again!
Looking at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng's show of love and affection, Di Zhitian knew that his idea had come to nothing. In this way, if he wanted to get the four great beasts, he had to think of other ways.

Gu Fanjing and Yin Chenxi, who were hiding in the dark, couldn't help sighing when they saw the tense atmosphere. Really, no matter where Zimeng goes, it's frightening. With so many people and such strong strength, she dared to go directly to find trouble.

However, looking at the situation in front of them, no matter how you look at it, Zimeng and the others have the upper hand, so for now, they just need to hide well, don't worry about anything, and when Zimeng is really in danger, they will go out again Help is also good.

However, the people here are so strong, if they go out, I am afraid that they will only practice for these people, and it will also cause trouble for Zimeng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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