Chapter 136 What Is Irresponsible
And Tang Jingcheng, let alone what to say?Being blown away by the whirlwind with Di Yuanmo, isn't that just meeting Tang Jingcheng?
"Little aunt, if it's difficult to answer, it's okay not to answer." Bei Liyang looked at Zi Meng's embarrassed look, and opened his mouth carefully.

Zi Meng, who was about to explain, heard this, and immediately swallowed back what she wanted to say.

"Oh, then I won't talk about it. Anyway, you just need to know that this is not a good thing."

Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng waving her small hand directly, as if she didn't intend to say anything, wishing to slap herself directly.

Especially under the contemptuous eyes of Beili Xinhong and the others, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

When is it okay to talk too much?He even said now, now, Zimeng won't say anything, but other people will definitely despise him!
"Zimeng, there won't be any problems between the Liuli Sect and Yuantianzong, right?" Bei Lixin cast a blank glance at Bei Liyang, then turned to look at Zimeng.

"I don't know, there shouldn't be any problem, right? Even if there is a problem, it doesn't seem to have much to do with me, right? It's their own business, just let them solve it by themselves."

Zimeng stretched fiercely, and continued to sit there. The lazy look and what she said made people feel helpless!

However, what she said was true. Neither the Liuli Sect nor the Yuantian Sect were ordinary sects. Zi Meng's matter was not up to Zi Meng to decide. It depended on what they would do.

"Well, little aunt, are you a little irresponsible?" Bei Liyang's mouth twitched.

"What do you mean irresponsible? The two of them are irresponsible, okay? It's not that I chased them to be their apprentices, so it has nothing to do with me."

Zimeng shrugged, this matter was not her responsibility, it doesn't matter if she is responsible or not, right?

"Yang'er, did your uncle say anything?" Bei Li Haoyu thought for a while, then looked at Bei Liyang, who shook his head.

After Tang Jingcheng went back, he locked himself in the room without saying anything. They wanted to ask about the situation, but they didn't dare to knock on the door lightly.

Tang Jingcheng's temper is not very good, if they dare to disturb him, they will definitely die a miserable death!

"But this matter is really troublesome, Zimeng, you have to think clearly about where to go. After you make a decision, it's useless to go back on your word."

Bei Li Xinhong looked at Zi Meng worriedly, this matter is really complicated, if Zi Meng can't solve it well, I'm afraid there will be real trouble.

"I don't want to go there, I just want to be free, no matter which sect I go to, I won't be free, right?"

Zimeng looked at Bei Li Xinhong lazily, and Bei Li Xinhong nodded. After entering the sect, he will definitely not be free. No matter what he does, he must focus on the sect.

The Liuli Sect and the Yuantian Sect are relatively strong sects, and it will be beneficial for Zimeng to go.

But Zimeng seems to really not want to join any school.

"Patriarch, the guards next to Master Guoshi have come and said they want to see Miss Zimeng." A servant came in and looked at Beili Xinhong respectfully.

Zimeng blinked her eyes, the guard next to Master Guoshi should be Leng Nan, right?
However, at this moment, Zi Meng really didn't want to see Di Yuanmo, and she didn't know why.

"Please!" Before Zi Meng could speak, Bei Li Xinhong had already spoken, and Zi Meng could only sit obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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