Chapter 1370 It Must Be a Good Thing
Zimeng turned to look at Baihu, and Baihu nodded. When he came out of the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, Baihu grabbed Mu Xi first, otherwise, Mu Xi would have run away in no time.

"Master, there are many treasures here, let's go and have a look." Just as Bai Hu let go of Mu Xi, Mu Xi rushed over, hugged Zi Meng's leg, raised his head, and looked at Zi Meng excitedly.

Zimeng looked around, besides the endless forest, what treasures could there be?Moreover, even if there is a baby, there must be something guarding it, which is very dangerous, isn't it?
"What kind of treasure can there be here?" Mu Xi took Zi Meng's hand and ran forward, Zi Meng followed behind him helplessly and asked.

"It's right in front, right in front, master, you'll know when you go and have a look." Mu Xi's excited look made Zi Meng realize that the treasure Mu Xi said must be a good thing, otherwise, he wouldn't be so excited.

And, definitely plants.

"Master, I think we can go and have a look, maybe there will be some treasures." Lucky jumped from Xuanwu's shoulder to Zimeng's shoulder, lowered his head, and looked at the excited Mu Xi.

"Maybe, no matter what, let's go and have a look first. Anyway, we will definitely not find a way out in a while, can't we?" Zi Meng looked at Qinglong and the others. Opinion, as long as Zimeng is happy.

Several people followed Mu Xi for a while, and soon, they smelled a strange fragrance, which lifted their spirits.

Zi Meng lowered her head in surprise and looked at Mu Xi. Mu Xi who was excited at first became even more excited at this moment. She let go of Zi Meng's hand and was about to rush over.

Zimeng grabs him, does this guy die when he encounters something good?Are you not afraid of danger if you rush over like this?
"Master..." Mu Xi turned her head pitifully, looked at Zi Meng, who sighed.

"Although, I don't mind if you go to die, but if you go up like this, we will definitely be attacked, right?" Zi Meng looked down at Mu Xi, Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng, and then turned to look at herself Behind him, the tangled little face was twisted into a ball.

"Little thing, I advise you to be honest, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Qinglong looked down at Mu Xi when he was about to rush out, looked at Mu Xi seriously, Mu Xi nodded obediently .

He doesn't have to listen to what others say, but he must listen to Qinglong's words. Although Qinglong seldom talks, Qinglong is very scary. If he is disobedient, Qinglong will never show mercy.

"Muxi, is there something in front? It smells so good? Doesn't it mean that no one will come to pick it?"

Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi in confusion, no matter how she thought about it, something seemed wrong, right?Zimeng didn't believe it, there was nothing wrong here.

"Master, baby, good baby." Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng, and said seriously, the corners of Zi Meng's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Of course she knew it was a baby. Mu Xi had already talked about this matter many times, okay?What she wants to ask is, what are those treasures? If there is danger, Zimeng would rather not have those things.

"No matter what it is, it must be a good thing that can make him so excited. I'll go and have a look first. You stay here, I don't ask you, and you absolutely don't go there."

(End of this chapter)

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