Chapter 138

He should be the one who stayed the longest by Di Yuanmo's side, right?
"How did you die?" Di Yuanmo looked up at him.

"What I saw was that his whole body was covered by tree roots, and he was exhausted. Moreover, you died without even screaming."

When Leng Nan saw that man, he was really frightened. He was tightly wrapped by tree roots, and most of his bones were broken. He really didn't dare to think about it.

"Understood, you all go down!" Di Yuanmo picked up the book by the table and read it quietly, while Leng Nan stopped Yu Zhu and walked out.

Di Yuanmo's eyes were on the tree, but his soul had already traveled outside.

He didn't know what was going on, Zimeng didn't come, he was a little disappointed, he had never been like this before, and he seemed to hate Zimeng's nympho before.

But today, seeing her lying in another man's arms, he was really angry.

Putting down the book in his hand, Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked out the window. Could it be that because he was used to Zimeng pestering him, would he get angry when he saw her pestering others?

This explanation makes no sense at all, does it?

Since he hates Zimeng's nympho look, how could he care whose arms she is in?

"Could it be that I'm really stuck in it?" Zi Meng's nympho appeared in front of Di Yuanmo's eyes, she laughed and dissatisfied.

At this moment, these expressions, in front of his eyes, didn't seem so annoying anymore.

"Little aunt, are you there?" Zimeng was training to prepare for the next competition, and Bei Liwan kept knocking on the door outside, making her unable to practice with peace of mind.

Before Zimeng lost his temper, Lucky jumped off the bed and rushed to the door.

"Lucky, is little aunt here?" The door that Bei Liwan knocked on suddenly opened, and Bei Liwan grabbed Lucky who opened the door, feeling very anxious.

Lucky was strangled too tightly by her, unable to speak, and could only point in Zimeng's direction.

Bei Liwan threw her luck to the ground and rushed to Zimeng, as if she had met the savior.

"Wan'er, you'd better come to me with something important, otherwise, I will absolutely throw you out, do you believe it?"

Zimeng slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Bei Liwan with dangerous eyes. No matter who it is, if it is disturbed during cultivation, it will not be in a good mood, right?

"Little aunt, I really have something important to ask you, why don't you go and have a look? Grandpa is going crazy!"

Bei Liwan's anxious look made Zimeng blink her eyes, but before she could react, Bei Liwan had already pulled her off the bed.

"Wow, what is this? It also looks very interesting!"




Before Zimeng entered the lobby, she heard the sound of something breaking, and it definitely wasn't the slightest bit.

Who is this?

It's such a big deal, are you going to demolish this place?

Zimeng was pulled into the hall by Bei Liwan, and she saw that it was a little girl, bowing to Bei Li Xinhong, and bowing like a folder.

On the ground, there were many fragments of teacups, and many other things that were impossible to break, but they were all broken, and the broken pieces were so thorough that even if you wanted to repair them, it would be impossible.

"Father, what are you doing? Are you going to smash all these and replace them with new ones?"

Zimeng looked at Beili Xinhong, whose face had turned blue, with a funny face. When Beili Xinhong saw Zimeng, he was even more angry!
(End of this chapter)

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