Chapter 1385 Too shameless

Why is it like being reincarnated by a starving ghost?It was as if I had never eaten in my previous life.

It should be impossible for Zimeng to abuse it, right?However, looking at it like this, Di Xueyuan thoughtfully took out some food and snacks, and put them in front of Lucky, so that Lucky could eat his fill.

"Lucky, how long have you been hungry?" Di Xueyuan watched Lucky eat for a while, then asked in a low voice.

With food in his mouth, Lucky looked up at Di Xueyuan, then tilted his head and thought for a while.

"I haven't been hungry for a long time, it's just that we have been outside, the master forgot to prepare some snacks for me, and then we were sent here by that person named Lin Meier, so I don't have any snacks on me.

Moreover, at the end, there was only the last piece left, and it was snatched away by the owner, so I had nothing to eat. "

Lucky was thinking about his last piece of snack, and suddenly looked pitiful, the corner of Di Xueyuan's mouth twitched lightly, how much does this guy miss his last piece of snack?
She was eaten by Zimeng, but she still couldn't forget it. Do you want Zimeng to clean it up, or what do you want?

"Hmph, anyway, I remembered that my last piece of snack was eaten by the master, so in the future, the master has to pay me back a lot, otherwise, I will never forgive her."

As Lucky said, he waved his little hand in dissatisfaction, and then looked at Di Xueyuan pitifully, Di Xueyuan sighed, and took out all his snacks.

Fortunately, seeing those snacks, he was immediately overjoyed, and quickly stuffed those snacks into his own space. The speed was so fast that Di Xueyuan was speechless again.

"I think you are a foodie, how can my sister-in-law bear you?" Di Xueyuan looked at Lucky helplessly, and Lucky tilted his head to look at Di Xueyuan, and then quickly started to eat snacks.

Di Xueyuan had no choice but to watch Lucky eat crazily.

At this time, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were sitting in the bamboo house prepared by Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo prepared some food for Zi Meng and asked her to make a cushion first.

"Zi'er, thank you for your hard work." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, feeling extremely distressed.

"Hmph, it's okay to work hard, but that Di Haotian has been following me. I dare not release the four great beasts. I am so angry. Moreover, I also found that he is really shameless. As shameless as Zhitian."

Zi Meng pouted angrily while eating the food prepared by Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo reached out and wiped the oil stains from the corners of Zi Meng's mouth.

"Yuan, how do you know that I'm here?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion. The environment here, Zi Meng had observed before, was a completely unfamiliar environment, a place they had never been to before.

Unexpectedly, Di Yuanmo and Di Xueyuan could find this place, and even her.

"It was Xueyuan who told me about this place. Originally, I wanted to come here alone, but I was afraid that Di Zhitian would cause trouble if she was outside alone, so I brought her along.

As for why I was able to find you, this question is my secret, and I can't tell you yet, as long as I can find you. "

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng seriously, Zimeng curled her lips, and said nothing, and said something secret, but she just didn't want to tell her.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng who looked a little awkward, and couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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