1391 Drunk

Moreover, no matter how you look at it, the eight-winged Pegasus seems to be a little unsteady on its feet, as if drunk.

"Eight-winged Pegasus, you are too hopeless, can't you walk a little more steadily?" Zi Meng sat on the back of the Eight-winged Pegasus, and said helplessly.

However, the Eight-winged Pegasus seemed to have not heard it, and its steps were still a little staggering.

Seeing that Zi Meng was about to fall off the Eight-winged Pegasus's back, Di Yuanmo hurried over and hugged Zi Meng off the Eight-winged Pegasus's back.

"What's going on here?" Di Yuanmo looked at the eight-winged Pegasus who suddenly lay on the ground, a little puzzled.

When she just went out, she was fine, why did she suddenly become like this?What's more, the Eight Winged Pegasus looks like drunk no matter how you look at it.

"Well, actually, I'm not to blame for this." Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms, her innocent eyes wandering, but she didn't look at Di Yuanmo.

Seeing his heartbroken expression, Di Yuanmo knew that this incident must have something to do with Zimeng, but he really didn't know what Zimeng did to make eight Yi Tianma became what it is now.

"You didn't give it a drink, did you?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng in his arms, Zi Meng blinked, but didn't look at Di Yuanmo.

However, she could swear that she never gave Octopus a drink, absolutely not.

"Sister-in-law, don't you really give it a drink?" Di Xueyuan squatted in front of the Eight-winged Pegasus, stretched out her hand, and poked it lightly, but it didn't respond.

"No, how could I give it a drink? It's just that, in the past two days, I saw that it was doing well, and then I gave it some divine spring water. Who knew it would become like this?"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo innocently, and then glared at the Eight-winged Pegasus lying on the ground, always feeling that, now, the Eight-winged Pegasus is very shameful, she just gave such a little water from the divine spring, It turned out to be like this.

She really didn't expect this to happen. Fortunately, they all drank the water from the divine spring, but they were all well. No one was as drunk as the Eight-winged Pegasus.

"Sacred spring water? Sister-in-law, do you know what the divine spring water symbolizes? It's a priceless treasure, so why don't you just drink it?"

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng in disbelief, and Zimeng nodded slightly. Zimeng knew very well what the divine spring water symbolized, but it was the divine spring water that couldn't hold her back.

So, it's okay to give Octopus a drink, isn't it?
What's more, in the past, Zimeng shaved all the feathers on its wings, and gave it some water from the divine spring, would it be considered as compensation?

Who knew that the side effects would be so great?

"For the Eight-winged Pegasus, the divine spring water is more powerful than wine, so, if the Eight-winged Pegasus drank the divine spring water, it would be as if drunk, it's fine, it will be fine when it wakes up. "

Di Yuanmo gently put Zimeng on the ground, and comforted her, and Zimeng breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that she had kindly given Octopus a drink of water from the divine spring, and had harmed it instead.

"Xueyuan, if you need, I can give you some divine spring water. I still have a lot of divine spring water here." Zimeng turned to look at Di Xueyuan, who shook her head lightly. No need for spring water.

(End of this chapter)

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