Chapter 1394 Only One Sister

Not only did Di Yuanmo not let Zimeng ride on the Eight-winged Pegasus, but he directly asked the Eight-winged Pegasus to go back. The Eight-winged Pegasus was immediately unhappy. Let it go back?
"Go back, Zi'er is here, I'll take care of you." Di Yuanmo looked at the Eight-Winged Pegasus' expression, and it wasn't very good-looking.

Eight-winged Pegasus wanted to refuse, but seeing Di Yuanmo's face, he had no choice but to go back obediently.

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, "I said you, your mind is getting smaller and smaller, you will eat the jealousy of Eight Winged Pegasus."

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and thought about his reaction just now, it seemed that he was jealous, but there was no way, who made him have such a popular little wife?

Not only people, but even the Eight-winged Pegasus, who was bullied by her before, has been completely captured by her now.

After thinking about it, there might not be many people around Zimeng, and Di Yuanmo felt very uncomfortable.

"..." Di Yuanmo and the others continued to walk forward for a while, then they stopped suddenly and looked at the person in front of them.

It has been many days, they have not seen anyone, and Di Haotian has not appeared. They thought that after so many days, Di Haotian should give up. Who would have thought that this guy would suddenly appear again? ?
Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng looked at each other, and they both saw boredom in each other's eyes, but neither of them bothered to pay attention to him, and just walked past him as if they didn't see him.

Di Xueyuan walked to his side, stopped, turned her head to look at Di Haotian, and then followed Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

Di Haotian watched them leave with a frown, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, he waited for them here, but what did he wait for?It turned out to be their ignorance.

I miss him, Emperor Haotian, but the future emperor is ignored by so few people. If it wasn't for getting the four great beasts and Zimeng, he wouldn't bother to appear here.

During this period of time, he asked people not to approach them, otherwise, how could they live such a leisurely life?

"Yuan Mo, I'm your elder brother. Is it okay for you to just ignore me when you see me?" Di Haotian and the god Yuan Mo looked at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng with some dissatisfaction. .

Di Yuanmo held Zimeng's hand and stopped, looking at Di Haotian impatiently, they were in a hurry to find a way out, how could they have time to waste time with him?

"I only have a younger sister, Xueyuan. Where is the eldest brother from?" Di Yuanmo asked lightly. Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo with tears in his eyes.

Di Yuanmo's words have already explained that now, Di Yuanmo has completely regarded her as one of his own, which warms her heart.

"Whether you admit it or not, we are all related by blood. We are still brothers." Di Haotian looked at Di Yuanmo and finished speaking, then turned to look at Zimeng, who was nestled in Di Yuanmo's bed. In his arms, he yawned and ignored Di Haotian.

That lazy look made Di Haotian feel as uncomfortable as if a cat scratched him, he wished he could rush over to separate them.

He hadn't been by Zimeng's side for a day or two, but Zimeng not only didn't give him a good face, but even ignored him at all.

But now, she is so tired of being in Di Yuanmo's arms. No matter how he looks at this scene, he finds it very dazzling and very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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