Chapter 1401 An awkward encounter

Zimeng has never been willing to throw away that dress, and has kept it in her storage ring. However, Di Yuanmo never allowed her to wear it.

No matter how you think about it, that outfit is too eye-catching to wear in this place, especially for those men, it is a great temptation.

"Looking at the two of you smiling like that, I always thought it was interesting to meet you for the first time, why didn't you tell me?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng dissatisfied, but Zimeng smiled awkwardly.

"Actually, the first time we met, it's really not a good memory. I'm afraid, you never thought of it. After I met Yuan, I was beaten away by Yuan before I said a few words."

Zi Meng was really helpless to be watched by Di Xueyuan, so she looked at the sky and slowly told the scene of their first meeting.

When Di Yuanmo heard what Zimeng said, he couldn't help laughing even happier.

"What? Was my brother sent you flying?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng in disbelief, Zimeng nodded, and looked at Di Xueyuan seriously, Di Xueyuan still looked at Zimeng in disbelief. After touching Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo shook his head slightly, a little helplessly.

Di Xueyuan was a little dazed, no matter how she thought about it, it was impossible, right?
Di Yuanmo spoiled Zi Meng so much, even if he was beaten away, it should be because Di Yuanmo was beaten away by Zi Meng, right?
"It's true, don't be so surprised." Zi Meng smiled, and Di Xueyuan looked to Di Yuanmo for authenticity.

"Zi'er suddenly fell from the sky and almost hit me. At that time, I was still in a wheelchair and couldn't walk freely, so I had no choice but to wave her away. Later, I sent her flying. scared."

Di Yuanmo put the prepared food on the table, watched Zi Meng speak softly, Zi Meng seemed to recall the scene at that time, and smiled embarrassedly.

"And then?" Di Xueyuan looked at the two of them and continued to ask.

"What else is there?" Zimeng looked helplessly at Di Xueyuan who was a gossip, she couldn't figure out why Di Xueyuan was so interested in their affairs?
However, Zimeng and the others rarely have time to recall the days when they first met.

At that time, although there was not much tacit understanding between Di Yuanmo and Zimeng, it was also the happiest time for them, right?

"I really want to know you a long time ago. In this way, I can also participate in your past. What a pity." Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo with regret. Laughed.

"Although you didn't participate in your previous life, we will still get along for a long time in the future. By then, there will be many things you can't think of."

Zimeng patted Di Xueyuan's shoulder lightly, and Di Xueyuan nodded lightly. Although, that's what she said, she really felt it was a pity that she didn't participate in the past!
"Okay, stop chatting, you two, come and eat." After Di Yuanmo prepared all the food, he turned to look at Zimeng and the others.

Zimeng and Di Xueyuan stood up from the ground, walked to the table while laughing and chatting, looking at the abundance of food on the table, Di Xueyuan was shocked.

Although she knew that Di Yuanmo was good at cooking, she didn't know that he could prepare so much in such a short period of time. Moreover, looking at Zimeng's appearance, she seemed to have gotten used to this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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