Chapter 1406

If, when I first saw Zimeng, I didn't want to get Zimeng, nor did I want to get the four great beasts, and I killed her directly, now, there would be no such troubles, right?
Although Di Zhitian said that Zimeng and the others are very strong, but Di Haotian did not expect that they would be so strong that he would be a little scared.

The power of the four great beasts is really strong, and soon, everyone except Di Haotian was eliminated. At this time, they all stood by Zimeng's side.

Moreover, the eyes of the four great beasts, like Zi Meng, exuded a faint red light, as if they were affected by Zi Meng's power.

"Leave it to us to solve it?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng, Zimeng shook his head lightly, the others have already solved it, now, only Di Haotian is left, and Zimeng can solve it by himself.

"It's really strange, no matter where you are, as long as you are there, it seems to be always lively?"

The sudden voice made Zimeng frowned, and at the same time, she also turned her head to look over.

"Shi Yu!" Zi Meng's voice was colder than before, and Shi Yu slowly walked towards Zi Meng from the dark.

"Long time no see, why are you still so excited to see me? I thought you fell in love with me!" Shi Yu looked at Zimeng with a smile. This time, not only Zimeng, but also Di Yuanmo's face blacken.

Di Xueyuan looked at Shi Yu puzzled. She had never seen this person before, but Zimeng's temperament had changed since seeing him, which was terrifying.

"Shi Yu, we've been looking for you all this time, but we didn't expect you to come to our door by yourself." Zi Meng looked at Shi Yu coldly, Shi Yu just smiled, but didn't care whether Zi Meng was there or not. angry.

"Lord Shi Yu, why did you come here in person?" When Di Haotian saw Shi Yu, he showed a touch of respect, which puzzled Zi Meng and the others.

Compared with Di Haotian's strength, Shi Yu's strength should be much worse, right?Why did Di Haotian respect him so much?

What happened when they didn't meet?
Also, why is Shi Yu here?She remembered that Di Xueyuan said that this is a land of innocence, many people are afraid to come here, and even if they want to come, they don't know how to get in, right?

What exactly is going on?

"I just saw that you guys haven't come back yet, so I came here to have a look. Unexpectedly, I met someone I know!" Shi Yu still had a smile on his face, and Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng turned cold.

Although Zi Meng wanted to calm herself down, seeing Shi Yu, Zi Meng couldn't calm down anyway!

Seeing Shi Yu, Zimeng would think of Xing Yage's death. Before Xing Yage's death, she hadn't seen her for the last time. Although Zimeng didn't say anything, this was always the hurdle she couldn't get over.

"Shi Yu, today, no matter what, I will get rid of you, even if it will hurt both sides!" Zimeng is very angry at Shi Yu who suddenly appeared, and she wished she could kill Shi Yu immediately.

Suddenly, Di Yuanmo reached out his hand to stop Zimeng who was about to rush up, preventing Zimeng from going to trouble Shi Yu right now.

"Yuan..." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion.

"Zi'er, don't be impulsive now. Since Shi Yu can appear here, it must not be a coincidence." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng seriously, and Zi Meng took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm himself down.

(End of this chapter)

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