Chapter 1408 Terrible Power
"What?" Di Haotian looked at Di Xueyuan who had been rescued in surprise, who would have thought that Di Xueyuan would be rescued by Di Yuanmo just like that?

"Are you surprised?" Zi Meng looked at Di Haotian with red eyes.

"How dare you just snatch her away like this, aren't you afraid that I'll kill her?" Di Haotian looked at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng angrily, and Zi Meng's mouth curled into a faint smile.

If you don't take the opportunity to take people away, I'm afraid that Di Haotian will never show mercy. At that time, it will be her and Di Yuanmo who will regret it.

"I've also said that it's up to you. If you want to kill, you can do it casually, but you have to remember that when she falls to the ground, I will kill you."

Zi Meng watched Di Haotian speak unceremoniously, Di Haotian was very angry at Zi Meng's arrogant appearance, but there was nothing he could do.

Look at the four great beasts behind Zimeng. Now, if he dares to rush up, the four great beasts will directly tear him apart.

"It turns out that you are talking to me so calmly, just to find a chance to rescue her?" Shi Yu didn't seem to expect that Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo would come out like this, but he still remained calm Looking at Zimeng.

Zimeng looked at Shi Yu without any expression on her face. Indeed, she and Shi Yu talked so much just to give Di Yuanmo time to rescue Di Xueyuan.

Otherwise, how could she be in such a good mood to talk to Shi Yu?

In Zimeng's heart, Shi Yu was her enemy, no matter what, she would never talk so much to Shi Yu.

But now, although Di Xueyuan has been rescued, Shi Yu is still alive. No matter what, she will fight Shi Yu here!

"Shi Yu, let's have a life-and-death duel this time! I'm tired of you always hiding like this!"

Zi Meng's hand moved slightly, the previous Frost Sword was gone, and what appeared this time was a sword with a flashing green light, and Zi Meng used the wood type most handy.

Confronting Shi Yu, she would never underestimate the enemy.

"Hmph, I wish for it, come on." Shi Yu looked at Zimeng with a smile, and a spear appeared in his hand. The spear was very long and looked dangerous, but Zimeng showed fighting spirit.

Her eyes were still glowing red, but her clothes did not move automatically, strands of green breath emanated from Zi Meng's body, and the surrounding trees, because of Zi Meng's relationship, had already begun to twitch crazily stand up.

Looking at the surrounding trees, Di Haotian and Shi Yu once again felt that Zimeng's power was terrifying.

Di Haotian looked at Zimeng with some horror, and he suddenly felt that fighting Zimeng seemed like he was looking for death.

But now, with Shi Yu around, it shouldn't be a problem, right?

"Master Shi Yu, please help me get rid of them!" Di Haotian was quiet for a while, then turned to look at Shi Yu, Shi Yu frowned, help him get rid of Zi Meng and the others?
How brainless is this person?

If Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were so easy to deal with, how could he come to such a place?Especially Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo are not only strong, but also have the help of the four great beasts.

"Lord Shi Yu, if we kill them, we can share the four great beasts equally, can't we?" Di Haotian greedily looked at the four great beasts behind Zimeng, as if he would definitely get them.

(End of this chapter)

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