Chapter 142
Bei Liyang saw that Shengge was terrified by Zimeng, stepped forward, and patted Zimeng's shoulder, she blinked and shrugged innocently.

"I didn't scare her, I just told the truth. If I go out with me and see something that shouldn't be seen, and someone silences her, I don't care."

Zimeng's indifferent look made Shengge swallow her saliva. She really wanted to ask, who are the people Nalan Jingchen wants to meet?
Want to silence her?
Under Zimeng's gaze, Shengge shook his head violently, firmly stating that he would never follow Zimeng out.

"Are you going out now?" Bei Liyang saw that Zimeng was about to run away, and grabbed her by the collar.

"No, I'm going back to sleep, Bei Liyang, you are so brave, I'm your aunt, and you dare to treat me like this."

Zimeng stepped on her little feet dissatisfied, turned her head, and looked at Bei Liyang viciously, Bei Liyang ignored her, and looked up at Bei Li Xinhong.

"Yang'er, let her go and let them go quickly, otherwise, my house will be demolished soon."

Zimeng turned her head to look at Beili Xinhong with difficulty, and laughed.

Sheng Ge is considered a magical skill, right?
If in the future, if someone offends her, she arranges Shengge to go to someone's house, wouldn't that be the same as arranging a king of destruction?

Thinking about it, Zimeng laughed involuntarily.

"Master, you laugh like this, it's so scary, it seems like you're thinking of some bad idea."

Lucky lowered his head, blinked his eyes, and looked at Zimeng. Zimeng glared at it, rolled his eyes, and left in a good mood. Shengge hurriedly followed.

"Master, do you think there is any use for her to be around?" Lucky whispered, and Zi Meng nodded.

The lucky little paw rubbed against his chin, looked at Zimeng, and then at Shengge.

What else could she do but clumsily destroy things?
Lucky said that now it is getting more and more confused about what its owner is thinking.

"Well, what should I call you? Junior Sister?" Sheng Ge followed behind Zi Meng, as if talking to himself, or asking for Zi Meng's opinion.

Zimeng turned to look at her, little junior sister?Don't be kidding, she hasn't decided that she will definitely join the Liuli School, okay?
"You should still call me by my name, little junior sister or something, it sounds awkward to me."

"Okay, okay, I'll call you Zimeng, you can just call me Shengge, and you don't need to call me Senior Sister." Shengge smiled very brightly.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, she really wanted to say, this girl really thinks too much, she never thought about handing over to her senior sister, okay?
"By the way, master, are you really not going to see him? What if he really needs you for something?" Lucky asked Zimeng in a low voice, Zimeng stopped and looked at it.

"If there is something, it's an order, not an invitation. I think you want the snacks from him?"

Lucky wobbled her little body, Zi Meng rolled her eyes, this foodie, one day, she will sell it!
"What are you talking about?" Sheng Ge was afraid of luck. Although she was curious about what Zimeng and luck were saying, she didn't dare to ask directly, so she could only speak from a distance.

"It's okay, it's just that it's hungry and wants to eat." Zimeng stretched out her hand and pinched Lucky's chin.

Although Lucky looks like a mouse, it wouldn't scare Shengge like this, right?
(End of this chapter)

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