Chapter 147 Zi Meng wants to kill someone (5)

No matter how clumsy a person can do this, right?Everything in the room is not where it should be!
Bei Liwan doubts Shengge's real purpose of coming to Beili's house, she won't come here to cause sabotage!

In other words, Sheng Ge thought it was fun, so he unceremoniously increased her workload?

"Right, Wan'er, you think so too, right? So, it's better to kill her directly?"

Zimeng's behavior was recognized by Bei Liwan, and she immediately became excited, with the urge to continue what she just did now!
"Wow, I don't want to die, I'm still young, I'm still young, I'm not married yet, I don't have children yet, absolutely don't die!"

Shengge heard the conversation between Zimeng and Bei Liwan very clearly, hurriedly got up from the ground and hid behind Bei Lihaoxin.

Trembling body, clutching Bei Lihao's new clothes tightly, like a lamb about to fall into the jaws of a tiger.

Bei Li Haoxin, who was kind enough to see if Sheng Ge was okay, now looks not so good!

Shengge doesn't care about the paw prints she left on Bei Lihao's new clothes?
It has the solution of cannibal vine, even if it is washed, there is no way to continue wearing it, right?
Taking a deep breath, Bei Li Haoxin rescued the clothes from Sheng Singer, turned and left.

"Since there is no problem here, I will go to work, don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

The appearance of Bei Li Haoxin leaving so gracefully made Bei Li Xinhong and the others slightly taken aback, seeing Zi Meng and Bei Li Wan who were talking fiercely, they couldn't help but sigh.

Now, nothing should happen, right?

Now that Zimeng has let Shengge go, it is impossible to continue to do it. They have a lot of things to do these days, and they don't have time to stay here to guard Zimeng, right?
"Grandpa, go get busy first. I'll take them to the competition venue in a while." Bei Liyang rubbed his temples helplessly.

He can already imagine the scene when he returns home in the future!What a nightmare!
"Okay, you are optimistic about Zimeng, you can't let her do wrong things, you know?" Bei Li Xinhong looked at Zimeng with some anxiety, Bei Liyang nodded.

After Bei Li Xinhong and the others left, Bei Liyang turned to look at Sheng Ge who was still a little scared, "Hurry up and change your clothes? Otherwise, the poison of the man-eating vine will invade your body in a while, and we will not be able to save you you."

Shengge looked down at his clothes, screamed and ran away, Bei Liyang shook his head more anxiously and helplessly.

Walking to Zimeng and Bei Liwan, the two were discussing something while ignoring others.

"So, I said, when you go out, tie her up with a rope, there will be absolutely no problem!"

Zi Meng spoke confidently, and what she said made Bei Liyang twitch her lips.

Tied up people?

"I don't have any objections to tying her up, but little aunt, she's a human being, and she's from the Liuli sect, are you sure it won't be a problem if you tie her up like a pet?"

Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng seriously, Zimeng curled her lips, it made sense to say so, Bei Liyang nodded sharply, yes, this is the point.

Although Shengge's destructive ability is really astonishing, but, no matter what, she is a person, and she is also a disciple of the Liuli Sect.

If you really do this, I'm afraid that people from the Liuli faction will come here directly to make trouble, right?
(End of this chapter)

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