Chapter 1504 Childish Demon King

Qinglong sat there leisurely, looking at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo sighed, that's true, they still have to help Zi Yaoye here!
If the matter here at Ziyao Ye is not resolved, they will not be able to go back with peace of mind.

"Actually, I can solve the matter here by myself, and you can go back." Zi Yaoye, who was beaten by Di Yuanmo, came back soon, as if nothing had happened, and sat down. By the side of Di Yuanmo's god.

Although, upon hearing his words, Di Yuanmo and Qinglong looked at him with contempt.

If they really went back, Zi Yaoye would definitely say something wrong with them behind their backs, that they would not help, that they would not save him, and let him suffer here alone. This is an absolute thing.

Although they didn't have much contact with Zi Yaoye, they still knew what they should know, and Di Yuanmo grew up with him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zi Yaoye looked at several people and asked in puzzlement.

"Are you sure, it doesn't matter if we leave? You have to know, Zi'er wanted to go home a long time ago, and she was very reluctant to leave the two children at home!"

Di Yuanmo sighed, thinking about Zimeng's aggrieved look when he left, he felt helpless.

"Then why didn't you bring the child along?" Zi Yaoye glanced at Di Yuanmo dissatisfied, and Di Yuanmo looked at him indifferently.

"Bring them here, you have no chance." Di Yuanmo's voice was very soft, but he revealed the little plan in Zi Yaoye's heart.

Glaring at Di Yuanmo dissatisfied, Zi Yaoye didn't dare to speak, that's what he thought in his heart, Di Yuanmo guessed it right, what can he say?
"Stingy!" Zi Yaoye muttered, although his voice was low, Di Yuanmo and Qinglong could still hear him clearly, but no one wanted to talk to him.

Whether it's stinginess or anything else, they don't want to argue so much with Zi Yaoye.

If they really care about him, it seems that they are as naive as him.

"Okay, you have worked hard for a few days, go to rest, I will prepare some food for Zi'er, when she wakes up, she will definitely be hungry." Di Yuanmo sighed and stood up, looking at Qinglong and the others .

"Let me help you." Qinglong got up and followed Di Yuanmo to leave. Baihu and the others looked at each other, and they could see the astonishment in each other's eyes.

"I found that now Qinglong seems to be more and more enthusiastic about cooking, who did he learn from?" Xuanwu looked at Qinglong's figure and couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows? But, it's a good thing, right? It's better than making him look miserable every day, right?" Baihu looked at Xuanwu with a smile, and Xuanwu nodded after thinking about it.

Qinglong has never had any special hobbies. Now, it is indeed a good thing to be able to do this, but I just don't know if the rice he cooks can be eaten.

"Is there something wrong with his cooking? Didn't Di Yuanmo also cook for Zi Meng every day? But, who does Qinglong cook for?" Zi Yaoye sat there leisurely, looking at White Tiger and the others.

"Could it be that someone has to eat it before it can be made? Your Royal Highness, we really don't know what's going on in your mind."

Suzaku raised his eyebrows and looked at Zi Yaoye, Zi Yaoye shrugged, he was just asking, should they look at him with such disgusting eyes?

(End of this chapter)

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