Chapter 1511 The clue is broken
Seeing Zi Yaoye's appearance, Zi Meng raised her eyebrows, raised her hand, and hit Zi Yaoye directly on the head.

"Hey, why did you hit me?" Zi Yaoye covered her head and turned to look at Zi Meng.

"Because, I want to hit you, and, you are so close to me, you can reach me with your hand, why can't I hit you?" Then I couldn't help pulling it.

"It's been several times. Are you really going to tell us who stole the thing?" Zimeng looked helplessly at Ziyao Ye. After they knew about it, they asked about it. He did, but he never said it.

"He's my bodyguard and the general of the demon clan. At the same time, he's my only friend in the demon world." Zi Yaoye was forced to speak by Zi Meng's gaze.

However, after hearing his explanation, Zimeng was already in a daze. People like Ziyaoye actually have friends?It's incredible, isn't it?

Compared to Zimeng's surprise, Di Yuanmo frowned tightly. It can be seen that Di Yuanmo also knew this so-called friend of Zi Yaoye.

"Yuan, do you know that friend of his?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, who nodded slightly.

"Although I know each other, I'm not very familiar with him. Every time I meet him, it's when he follows Zi Yaoye to protect Zi Yaoye, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing."

Di Yuanmo shook his head slightly as if he couldn't figure it out, and Zi Meng blinked.

Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye are so familiar, that person follows Zi Yaoye every day, how could Di Yuanmo not be familiar with him?

"Actually, it's not that Di Yuanmo doesn't know him well, but that he seldom communicates with other people, so..." Zi Yaoye shrugged to relieve Zi Meng's doubts. Understood.

"Since you are so familiar with him, shouldn't you take us to his residence?" Zi Meng looked at Zi Yao Ye with a smile.

Zi Yaoye looked at Zimeng in embarrassment, "After I knew the things were stolen, I already looked for him. Someone told me that he disappeared before I came back."

Zi Yaoye's words made Zi Meng's eyebrows twitch again and again, what kind of explanation is this?That is, is the thread completely broken here?
"You rest now, and after your strength recovers, we will talk about other things. Now, Qinglong and I will go out to investigate and see if we can find any clues."

Before Zimeng could speak, Di Yuanmo spoke first, and Zimeng could only swallow her words about going out to find clues, and looked at Di Yuanmo aggrievedly.

However, Di Yuanmo did not soften his heart at all this time, even if she was not allowed to go busy with her, Zi Meng could only compromise, Di Yuanmo was too serious to be scary.

"You stay here with her. If you don't look at her, she will definitely mess around. Just leave it to us to investigate the clues." Qinglong and the others stood up, looked at Di Yuanmo, Zimeng was dissatisfied He pouted and stared at them, silently protesting their decision, but they ignored them.

Qinglong and the others sorted out the things in Shi Yu's ring, destroyed what should be destroyed, kept what should be kept, and the rest, after sorting everything out, handed it over to Zi Meng. Zi Meng played with Shi Yu's storage ring, looking at it. Qinglong and the others left.

(End of this chapter)

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