Chapter 1514 Problems

Accompanied by Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng walked into the valley. There are really a lot of plants in the valley. Those plants are huge, much taller than Zi Meng and Di Yuan Mo, even, than the piranhas before Zi Meng. Even bigger.

"Yuan, I always find the plants here a bit strange." Zimeng walked for a while, then stopped, and the excitement on her face disappeared little by little.

"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, who frowned and looked around.

Without answering Di Yuanmo's question, Zi Meng walked in one direction. Di Yuanmo didn't know what Zi Meng had found, so he hurriedly followed.

Zimeng's direction was a seemingly clear river, and Zimeng stopped by the river.

"Zi'er, what's the matter?" Di Yuanmo stood beside Zi Meng, looking at Zi Meng in confusion, Zi Meng looked at the flowing water in the river, then turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"Although the plants here are very lush, but just now, I used my strength to sense, and these plants didn't respond at all." Zi Meng frowned slightly. Hearing what Zi Meng said, Di Yuanmo also turned his head to look at After four weeks, however, nothing was found.

Zimeng squatted down and looked at the water in the river. It was very clear, but Zimeng always felt that there was something wrong with the water.

"Where is the source of this small river?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who shook his head lightly. He didn't know where the water source was.

He seldom comes to this place, and before he met Zimeng, he didn't like these flowers and plants, but now it's different, no matter where he goes, Di Yuanmo will help find some useful seeds for Zimeng.

Therefore, he really didn't know about Zimeng's question.

Following the direction of the small river, both Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked over. Looking at this winding river, the source should be far away.

"Let's go straight to look for it? Can the body handle it?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and Zimeng nodded. Even if he couldn't walk anymore, wouldn't Di Yuanmo be there?

If he was tired, Di Yuanmo would definitely carry her in his arms or carry her on his back.

"Then let's go. If you're tired, tell me." Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand and walked up the river.

After walking all the way, not only Zimeng found it strange, but also Di Yuanmo. The environment here is very good, and the water flow is very clear, but there is not even a small fish in the small river. Strange.

Not only is there no fish, there are so many flowers and plants here, but there are no animals. At the entrance of the valley, they also saw a few birds flying by.

There is definitely a problem in this valley, and the problem is serious!

"Zi'er, don't go any further, something is really wrong here, there must be something wrong." Di Yuanmo suddenly stopped, and looked at Zi Meng very seriously, Zi Meng also couldn't help but stop.

"Is there really a problem?" Zimeng frowned. If they didn't move on, they wouldn't know where the real problem was. They always felt that they were very unwilling!
So many plants, it would be such a waste...

"Forget it, since you want to know what the problem is, then let's go." Looking at Zi Meng's tangled face, Di Yuanmo sighed helplessly, holding Zi Meng's hand and continuing to walk forward .

Along the creek, the valley widened and the plants grew larger, but, as before, there were no animals.

(End of this chapter)

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