Chapter 1520 Automatic Guardianship
No matter how you look at it, Qinglong seems very angry, right?

But it's inevitable, isn't it?Knowing that the body is still very weak, but still running outside, it is simply trying to die!
"Who are you guys?" The old man looked at the sleeping Zimeng, then turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo turned his head, looked at the old man lightly, "Ordinary people."

His words almost made the old man spit out a mouthful of old blood, ordinary people?

Who believes it?
No matter what happens to ordinary people, it is impossible for ordinary people to have the temperament of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, nor their courage.

Therefore, he believed that Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were definitely not ordinary people.

Maybe it's because he seldom goes out of Death Valley, so he doesn't know when there are so many capable young people in the Demon Race.

Moreover, it is still human!
"Apart from you, has anyone else been here before?" After Di Yuanmo looked around, he turned to look at the old man, who shook his head slightly and looked at Di Yuanmo puzzled.

He was the only one here all this time, no one had been here, and most of the people had died before they got close to this place.

Knowing that this place is very dangerous, it is naturally impossible for the rest of the people to come here, so no one noticed here.

"I want to leave for a while, don't disturb her, otherwise, I don't know what I will do." Di Yuanmo stared at the old man with a very dangerous gaze, and the corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

Is this a threat?
At this time, is it really good to threaten an old man?
"You..." The old man didn't know what Di Yuanmo was going to do, and he was very clear about how dangerous the situation here was. If Di Yuanmo broke in randomly, it would only be bad luck.

"I'm just going to look around." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng who was still sleeping with some anxiety. During the time Zimeng was resting, he had to figure out the situation here. No need to work hard.

The old man watched Di Yuanmo leave, and then turned to look at Zimeng. He couldn't figure out why this man left so relieved. Although there was an enchantment, it could still be opened with his strength.

The old man took a deep breath and walked to the bed. Zi Meng's eyes were still tightly closed, and it seemed impossible to wake up for a while.

After hesitating for a while, the old man stretched out a hand and approached Zimeng, with a murderous aura in his breath, but before his hand touched Zimeng's body, he felt a dangerous aura.

The movement paused, and suddenly a few vines grew beside the bed. The vines guarded Zimeng's side, and those vines stared at the old man like poisonous snakes.

As long as he dared to act rashly, the poisonous snake would rush up and devour him without mercy.

Immediately, the old man understood why Di Yuanmo left so reassuringly. These plants, when they sensed that Zimeng was in danger, but their masters were unable to fight back, they would appear to protect their masters on their own.

He really couldn't figure out what the identities of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were?There is such a strong strength?

"It's really interesting. How long has it been since you were in this mood?" The old man lowered his head and looked at Zi Meng quietly for a while, then suddenly laughed.

His laughter was full of joy, without any ominous or murderous intent, but a smile from the heart. Since many years ago, he had never been this happy.

(End of this chapter)

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