Chapter 1529 Let go and do it

Looking at the smile on Zimeng's face, Tai Yan had nothing to say, so he quietly looked at the valley surrounded by fire.

Because those plants were all withered, the fire didn't burn for a long time, and it was extinguished soon.

There was no color in the entire valley, only ash full of ashes. Zimeng heaved a sigh of relief, smiled at Di Yuanmo, turned around and jumped down again.

This time, she still released her aura as before, but this time, Zimeng's aura did not wander away, but surrounded the entire Death Valley.

Di Yuanmo and Tai Yan looked at the situation in front of them, and they didn't know what they were thinking, but they all stared at Zi Meng closely. Although they didn't know what Zi Meng was going to do, they all wanted to see, Zi Meng What can Moe do.

Zi Meng never got rid of the aura surrounding Death Valley, but Zi Meng no longer cared about the existence of the aura. Zi Meng lowered her head and looked at the ground. The power to promote the growth of plants was released by Zi Meng. At Zimeng's feet, a lot of flowers and plants grew suddenly.

Those flowers and plants grow very fast, and they are not the tall flowers and plants that Zimeng and the others saw before, these flowers and plants are more like ordinary flowers and plants.

"No way?" Shocked, Taiyan jumped down from a high place, stood behind Zimeng, and looked at the plants growing at Zimeng's feet.

"These plants are the same as when I first came here. How did you do it?" Tai Yan asked in a daze, still looking at the plants on the ground.

"This, it's a bit troublesome to explain. To put it simply, I used my own power to purify the land here, that is to say, my power can change the power of the plants here.

Then, I used my power to give birth to the plants here. Although, I don't know if it will be successful, but I let go of my hands and did it. Unexpectedly, it succeeded. "

Zimeng turned her head and smiled at Taiyan. Taiyan was confused about Zimeng's answer, and the more he listened, the more confused he became. However, looking at the changing valley, Taiyan's face unexpectedly showed Peaceful look.

"In this case, there should be no problem here, but I just don't know if there will be anything wrong in the future, and I don't know if it will become the same as before."

Although Zimeng didn't want to hit him, she still opened her mouth and gave a not-so-good answer.

Hearing Zimeng's words, Taiyan was taken aback for a moment, then sighed, no matter what, as long as he can still see the previous scene, it would be good.

It's just that Tai Yan hopes that the scenery here will not change, so that he can feel at ease.

"Although, I'm also worried, but the problem shouldn't be too big." Seeing Tai Yan's serious expression, Zi Meng couldn't help but smile, and then said lightly.

The corner of Tai Yan's mouth twitched slightly. He always felt that Zi Meng said that on purpose. Didn't Zi Meng know that it is very impolite to bully an old man like this?
"Is it over?" Di Yuanmo walked to Zimeng's side and looked down at her.

"It's almost done, Senior Tai Yan, pack up all the things you want to take away, we will leave soon." Zi Meng turned to look at Tai Yan, Tai Yan nodded, and walked to the nearby cave.

And Zimeng also turned her head, continued to look at the slowly growing plants, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, the environment here is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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