Chapter 1544 Protest is invalid
"Well, Zi Meng still wants to trouble you to save them." Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng's angry look, although she was also very helpless, but there was nothing she could do.

He looked at Zimeng apologetically, although Zimeng had no way to refute, she still had to save someone, but now she was in a bad mood, so she had to get rid of the anger in her heart first!
"I should know that I need to save people, but I am troublesome to you. Take it easy when you do it later. If it really doesn't work, just freeze it after being knocked out. It won't make me work so hard!"

Zimeng looked at Qinglong and the others who were dissatisfied. Qinglong and Baihu looked at each other, but they didn't quite understand what Zimeng said.

Dazed and frozen?

is that useful?Useless, right?

Has Zi Meng forgotten that these people are the living dead, even if they are frozen, they can still break free?

"What do you mean by looking at me like that? Am I wrong? Although they are the living dead, who are you? Are the four great beasts okay?
If they break free of the magic you set up easily, it can only mean that you are useless, right? "

Zimeng looked at Qinglong and the others, and couldn't help rolling her eyes. After Qinglong and the others shrugged, they didn't look at Zimeng. How could this matter come to mind during the fight?

Even if you think about it, people are already like this, so you can't turn back time, right?
So, I can only work hard for Zimeng, but looking at Zimeng's appearance, the situation seems to be a little bit bad!

"Well, Zi Meng, they..." Zi Yaoye looked at the group of living dead on the ground, looking at Zi Meng helplessly and anxiously.

Zimeng looked down at those people on the ground, but didn't move.

"What's wrong with them? Are they already the living dead? They won't die. Really, why are you in such a hurry? I really don't understand!" Zimeng rolled her eyes helplessly, then turned around and ignored them. Bending down to put away the living dead on the ground, he turned and walked into the room that had been prepared long ago.

Although Zimeng protested, she will never let go of the treatment that needs to be done.

Di Yuanmo, who was sitting outside, was really worried after being busy in the room for a long time without coming out.

Unbearable, Di Yuanmo got up and walked to the room where Zi Meng was. Tai Yan thought for a while and followed.

Although, he can't help much, but after that, Zimeng has to treat the living dead brought back by her, Taiyan is a little worried about whether Zimeng can hold on.

However, when Di Yuanmo and Tai Yan arrived at the room where Zimeng was, what they saw was that the whole room was stitched up and people who were still frozen were neatly placed aside.

Although most of those people's bodies were tightly covered by clothes, the scars on their bodies were still clearly exposed in front of Di Yuanmo and the others, terrible wounds.

When the two of them entered, Zi Meng didn't react too much, but still lowered her head and continued to work. Di Yuanmo and Tai Yan stood there quietly, watching Zi Meng quickly change hands. Tool of.

Tai Yan looked at those tools and blinked his eyes in confusion. He had never seen those tools before, but Zi Meng used them very easily. He really wanted to know who called her .

(End of this chapter)

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