Chapter 1554 Her Fault

"Brother? Sister-in-law?" The child was never found, but when Zimeng was in a hurry, a familiar voice came. Zimeng and Di Yuanmo turned their heads to look, and it turned out to be Di Xueyuan.

"Xueyuan? Why are you here?" Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan blankly, and then looked around Di Xueyuan, wanting to see those two small figures, but in the end, But nothing was seen.

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, and suddenly, all the grievances of the past few days came up, and she looked at them pitifully.

Seeing Di Xueyuan's expression, Zimeng couldn't help but backed away.

Di Xueyuan's expression was extremely wronged!It made Zimeng feel like she would cry at any moment.

"Well, Xueyuan, are you okay?" Zi Meng hid behind Di Yuanmo, looking at Di Xueyuan cautiously.

"Do you think I'm alright? Sister-in-law, let me ask you, why didn't you go home and have a look when you were able to go to Dugu's house?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng viciously, and Zimeng's neck shrank involuntarily. shrink.


"What, what? The two little guys were very sad when they heard Dugu Mingxue say that you were back, and went to Dugu's house to look for Dugu Ming, you know?
Then, the two of them sneaked out of the house when we were not paying attention. You said, what if something happened to them? "

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng very angrily, and Zimeng hid behind Di Yuanmo, looking at Di Xueyuan pitifully.

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng's more aggrieved appearance than her, and Di Yuanmo's expression of ignoring her at all, and immediately sat on the ground in dissatisfaction.

Who is she doing all this for?
Isn't it for their two children?Why did it seem like it was her fault?

Seeing his appearance, Di Yuanmo and Zimeng lowered their heads and raised their heads. They looked at each other and couldn't help sighing.

"Xueyuan, what's going on? Why did they run away from home?" Zi Meng came out from behind Di Yuanmo and squatted in front of Di Xueyuan.

Di Xueyuan glared at her, and then told what had happened in the past few days.

The corners of the mouths of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo couldn't help but twitch. These two children are really worrying, right?
How can you run away from home?

Even if you want to come to them, you should tell Di Xueyuan and the others, right?In this way, they won't be too worried, will they?
Wait, it seems a bit wrong, even if it's because of this, you can't leave casually, can you?
What a worry to run away from home!
"I'm sorry, I know it's my fault, I should go back and see their apologies for causing you trouble." Zi Meng apologized to Di Xueyuan seriously.

There's no way, it's her fault, isn't it?
Now that we have already left the Demon Realm, we should take some time to go back and see the two children, right?

No matter what, they were separated for such a long time, the child must have missed them, although, she didn't go back because she was reluctant to part with the child after meeting.

However, it was indeed her fault that she didn't go back to see them. If she took the time to go back and see them, the two little guys would definitely not run away from home, would they?
Apologizing or something is what she should do.

Di Xueyuan, who was still aggrieved and angry, looked at Zimeng, and her anger almost subsided immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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