Chapter 156
"No way, are you really planning to abandon me just like that?" Jun Mojiu stopped his movements in time, and looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully.

Di Yuanmo lowered his head and continued to read, ignoring Jun Mojiu. He always felt that today, Jun Mojiu seemed to be provoking Zimeng everywhere, and it was all on purpose.

Although he thought so, how did he know that Jun Mojiu really did it on purpose.

He knew that Di Yuanmo had a different feeling for Zi Meng, and he also knew that Zi Meng seemed to have some feelings for Di Yuanmo.

He also knew that even if Di Yuanmo had a crush on Zimeng, he would not have the guts to love her.

Therefore, as his little friend who played with him since childhood, Jun Mojiu naturally wanted to help them.

Even if Di Yuanmo doesn't take the initiative, as long as Zimeng takes the initiative to attack, Di Yuanmo will never be able to hold back!
Who knew that these two guys who were fine at first turned out to be a little bit wrong today.

One is eating non-stop, and the other is ignoring his lowered head to read, leaving him here alone, is it too outrageous?

Therefore, he can only provoke Zimeng first, who knew that Zimeng would be serious about him?
"Just do it well. I told you a long time ago that she is not an ordinary woman. Don't provoke her. Now, you will feel better."

Di Yuanmo looked at the book and spoke without raising his head. Jun Mojiu looked at him puzzled.

Why can't he provoke Zimeng?
Zimeng looks so cute, so naturally she has to be bullied a little more, doesn't she?Otherwise, when Zimeng and Di Yuanmo are really together, he will have no chance.

"I'm such a weak person, even if someone provokes me, I can't help but let him enjoy the massage."

Zi Meng shrugged as she said, Jun Mojiu nodded in satisfaction, and looked at Di Yuanmo triumphantly.

Di Yuanmo shook his head, sighed, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth. He has nothing to say now, it's better to read a book and watch a play at the same time.

With a flick of Zimeng's hand, she threw a seed at Jun Mojiu's feet, and Jun Mojiu looked down.

He didn't know Zimeng's attack method, so now, he was a little curious and didn't know what Zimeng was going to do by throwing a seed.

However, what happened next was completely beyond his expectations.

Perhaps it was because he didn't feel any murderous aura from this small seed, so Jun Mojiu didn't move at all.

Under the control of Zimeng's spiritual power, the seed quickly took root and germinated, and under Jun Mojiu's gaze, it formed a patch - thorns, which tightly surrounded Jun Mojiu.

"Is this a thorn thorn?" Jun Mojiu stood there, not daring to move at all, because no matter which direction he walked, he would be injured by the thorn thorn.

"That's right, it's a thorn thorn, I want to remind you, don't underestimate it, because this kind of seed has been soaked in my special poison for many days.

Ordinary thorns may only make you feel pain, but my thorns will make your life worse than death. I am definitely not joking with you. "

Zimeng was very serious, looking very seriously at Jun Mojiu who wanted to escape just now but didn't dare to move.

Well, in fact, Zimeng really wants to laugh out loud now, but if you laugh, you can't scare this guy, can you?

"It's just a joke. You're not really going to kill me, are you? You'll be done with me even if I die."

(End of this chapter)

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