Chapter 1560 General Conditions
Unexpectedly, before he had a good relationship with Di Moli, he had already labeled Di Moli as a bad guy in his heart.

"Okay, now, it's not the time to think about this matter, you have to find that guy first, Xue Yuan, you can stay here with the children, that guy Jun Mojiu will tell everyone that you are safe and sound." Yes."

Di Yuanmo turned to look at Di Xueyuan, and Di Xueyuan nodded. Now, this is the only way to go. If they just go back like this, these two children will not be willing, right?

However, Jun Mojiu has been sending people to follow behind the two children. Seeing that the children are fine, they will definitely report to Jun Mojiu, right?

In this way, there is no need for them to report back.

Qinglong and the others went out and continued to be busy looking for the guy who was good at hiding. Di Xueyuan and Zimeng were in the yard, watching over the two little guys, Di Moqi and Di Moli.

Di Moqi and Di Moli played together obediently this time and did not continue to cause trouble.

"Sister-in-law, who are you looking for?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng and asked in confusion.

Zimeng shrugged. If she said that she didn't know who she was looking for, Di Xueyuan would definitely not believe it, would she?

Indeed, for such a long time, she didn't seem to know who the person she was looking for, his name, or what he looked like, she didn't know, and Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye seemed to have belonged to them too.

As for Zimeng, it seemed that she was just looking for someone, and didn't ask them carefully. This situation seemed a little weird!
"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng's dazed expression, and asked with some puzzlement.

"It's nothing, it's just an important thing. I seem to have forgotten something." Zi Meng smiled at Di Xueyuan with some embarrassment, and then turned to look at Di Moli and the other two little guys.

The little guys looked at Zimeng and tilted their heads. That cute look made Zimeng feel happy for a while. As for what she thought of before, she had completely forgotten it.

After Qinglong and the others came back, Zimeng started to get busy again. The two little fellows, Di Moli and Dimoqi, sat on the side, staring at the room where Zimeng was with big round eyes.

And Di Yuanmo was sitting not far away alone, looking at the two children, Qinglong and the others looked at Di Yuanmo, and then at the two children, they all felt that Di Yuanmo had nothing in the hearts of the children status.

"Do you want to take the two little guys out to play for a while?" Suzaku looked at Qinglong suddenly, Qinglong raised his eyebrows, he didn't think that Suzaku could take the two children away from here.

"Forget it, now, you don't know what's going on outside, just go out like this, what if something happens?"

Baihu patted Suzaku on the head to calm down Suzaku. Now, if you take the two little guys out with you, it will definitely be troublesome if you encounter danger.

"I'm just talking, isn't this boring here?" Suzaku nestled on the stool a little discouraged, looking at the two little fellows, Timoli and Di Moqi.

It can be seen from his eyes that this guy really wants to play with the two little guys, but he doesn't know what he is struggling with and dare not approach.

"If you really want to play with them, you can play here. Under normal circumstances, they are easy to get along with." Di Xueyuan looked at Suzaku with a smile and said.

(End of this chapter)

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