Chapter 1569 Someone is secretly
Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng and whispered very seriously, as if she was afraid that what they said between them would be heard by others.

Zimeng frowned. This matter is indeed a major discovery, and it is very strange.

"Xueyuan, how many days have you been here?" Zi Meng didn't look at Di Xueyuan, and spoke softly.

Di Xueyuan tilted her head and looked at Zimeng, she didn't know what Zimeng meant by asking this question.

"How many days?" Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Xueyuan.

"Five days?" Di Xueyuan thought for a while, counting the time God Yuanmo was looking for the two children, she has indeed been here for five days.

"Five days, you haven't been in contact with anyone else except us, right?" Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan seriously this time. nodded.

Zimeng stood up, with one arm around her chest and the other on her chin. Under everyone's gaze, Zimeng walked back and forth a few times, then turned to look at Di Xueyuan.

Although she didn't know why Di Xueyuan could smell that smell, there was definitely something wrong with this matter.

Di Xueyuan has only been here for a few days, yet there is a familiar smell, that is to say, someone has been following them secretly?

"Xueyuan, if I asked you to look for it, would you be able to find that person?" Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan and spoke softly, and Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng and shook her head in embarrassment.

"I don't know. The only thing I can know now is that that person must be right next to us. The smell is too scattered. It's hard for me to tell which direction it's coming from."

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng apologetically, and Zimeng sat down beside Di Xueyuan. Indeed, if people were always in the same position, she would definitely feel it.

What's more, there are not only her here, but also other people, Qinglong and the others are also here, if they don't feel anyone is there, then this person must have a strong concealment ability.

"Sister-in-law, what should I do? Do you want to tell my brother and the others?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng with some concern. Now, she really didn't know whether she should tell Di Yuanmo and the others about this.

I don't know the specific situation yet, if I let them know, they will definitely be very angry, if they are all vigilant, the person behind the scenes will definitely be aware of it, right?

"Don't tell them yet. Let's investigate this matter first, and we'll tell them after it's confirmed." Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo and the others who had been looking at them, gently shook his head.

"Now, they really want to find that person named Xie Yan, so if they know that someone has been secretly watching us, they will definitely be very angry, or we should tell them after we figure it out? "

Zimeng watched Di Xueyuan speak, Di Xueyuan nodded, Zimeng and her wanted to go together, it seems that now is indeed not the time to tell them.

After Zimeng finished speaking, she walked around there in a tangled state, not knowing what she was thinking. After Di Yuanmo and Qinglong looked at each other, they got up and walked to Zimeng and the others.

"Did something happen?" Di Yuanmo looked at them and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry, there are some things we need to confirm, and we will tell you when it is confirmed." Zi Meng smiled sweetly at Di Yuanmo and refused to answer this question. Di Yuanmo looked at her, then looked at her again. To the silent Di Xueyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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