Chapter 1572 Impulse is the devil

Di Yuanmo withdrew his hand and looked at Zimeng tenderly. After Zimeng nodded, Di Yuanmo left.

Looking at Di Yuanmo like this, Zi Yaoye was very speechless. In the past, he would never have imagined that Di Yuanmo would do these things for a woman. Cooking and the like are not suitable for Di Yuanmo at all, right?

But now, in his opinion, these are so harmonious.

Did he change his view of Di Yuanmo?Or has Di Yuanmo's actions changed?

She can't even think about these things herself!

"Zimeng..." When Zi Yaoye couldn't see Di Yuanmo's figure, she turned around suddenly, looked at Zimeng with a smile, Zimeng raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

"Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say!" Zi Meng said lightly, causing Zi Yaoye's face to pull down, and the smile just now disappeared without a trace.

"I said you, can you speak better?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng helplessly, and Zi Meng rolled her eyes.

"Just looking at your smile, I know it. What you want to say must not be a good thing. Why should I say something nicer?" Zimeng poured herself a glass of water leisurely, then looked up at Zimeng. Yao Ye.

When Zi Yaoye heard what Zi Meng said, she coughed uncomfortably to resolve the embarrassment just now.

"Tell me, what's the matter." After Zi Meng took a sip of tea, she opened her mouth lightly.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to discuss with you. If you don't agree to keep Mo Li, then let Mo Qi stay. In this way, I can have someone to keep me company, right?"

Zi Yaoye watched Zi Meng say these words with a smile, and at the same time refused to let him push back, but he was afraid that after a while, Zi Meng would suddenly become unhappy and kick him out.

"No, what did you just say? I didn't understand a bit, can you explain to me?" Zi Meng was stunned when she heard Zi Yaoye's words, then suddenly smiled and looked at Zi Yaoye pretending to be stupid.

Zi Yaoye blinked and looked at Zimeng. He didn't know what Zimeng's question and smiling so sweetly meant, but soon, he understood, because, from Zimeng's body, burst out There was a very strong murderous intent.

"Well, you, you, you, don't get excited, okay? I'm just talking, just talking, I've been here all this time, and I'm very lonely, okay?

If someone came to accompany me, I wouldn't think about letting the two of them stay with me, would I?I just want to discuss with you, why do you have to be so excited every time?Isn't impulse the devil? "

Zi Yaoye hid behind the chair aggrieved, pouted, and looked at Zi Meng with dissatisfaction. The corners of Zi Meng's eyes twitched slightly. She really wanted to know how Zi Yaoye became the demon king by virtue of her ability.

Why is he so childish?

When we first met, we were completely two people, okay?

"I said, are you really Zi Yaoye?" Zi Meng propped her chin with both hands, looking at Zi Yaoye very seriously, Zi Yaoye nodded.

Who else could he be if he wasn't Zi Yao Ye?
"Really?" Zi Meng didn't believe it, and continued to ask.

"What's the problem? If I'm not Ziyaoye, who do you think I am?" Ziyaoye looked at Zimeng angrily, Zimeng sat up straight, and looked at Ziyaoye seriously.

"Judging from your attitude when you first met me, and your current performance, you are two completely different people now and before."

(End of this chapter)

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