Chapter 1579 Purpose (6)

"Sister-in-law, you told me that this would happen, so I don't have to be so nervous." Di Xueyuan gave a sigh of relief and glared at Zimeng.

Zimeng shrugged. Did this girl ask her why it was her fault in the end?

When did this girl learn to be unreasonable like her?

After a long time, that person didn't come back, Qinglong and the others were a little worried.

"Could it be that we were too obvious and were discovered?" Suzaku looked at Zimeng worriedly. Although Zimeng also said, it doesn't matter, but if he comes back, they will save a lot of effort isn't it?
"Probably not. I think you all performed well and didn't reveal anything. Maybe it's because something happened suddenly to him?"

Zimeng rubbed her chin and looked at Qinglong and the others. In fact, Zimeng herself was still very worried, because she was not sure whether they would be able to find Xie Yan after losing this clue.

Just when several people were constantly struggling with what went wrong, Di Xueyuan stood up abruptly.

"Xueyuan, what's wrong with you?" Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan's movements, a little puzzled.

"Sister-in-law, I seem to be hungry. Are you hungry? Do you want me to prepare some food?" Di Xueyuan stared straight into Zimeng's eyes, and Zimeng understood.

"I won't eat. I'm going to sleep later. If I eat too much, I won't be able to fall asleep." Zi Meng shook her head lightly, and Di Xueyuan sat down.

"Well, if you don't eat, I won't eat either. Besides, I will eat alone, and my brother won't cook for me." Di Xueyuan said, not forgetting to take a look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuan Mo frowned slightly.

"Why am I going to cook for you instead of you preparing some food for me?" Di Yuanmo looked at Di Xueyuan with a half-smile.

"Brother, you have to be considerate of me. Your sister's hands have never touched those things. I'm afraid that the things she made will poison you to death."

Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo's serious nonsense very seriously. Besides, although Di Xueyuan didn't cook often, the food she cooked was still edible, and there was no possibility of poisoning people to death.

"In the future, you must never prepare food, and even if you prepare it, I will never eat it." Zi Yaoye looked at Di Xueyuan in horror, as if Di Xueyuan was very scary.

Di Xueyuan even dared to poison Di Yuanmo to death, so why not?
Therefore, in the future, you must be careful when eating or something, lest if you don't pay attention, you will die without a place to die.

"Poisoned to death, poisoned to death!" Di Moqi heard what Di Xueyuan said, but she remembered the word poisoned to death. They jumped and screamed excitedly around Zimeng, Keep shouting 'poisoned'!
Everyone looked helplessly at the excited Di Moqi. What is wrong with this child, he wants to learn this kind of words. It seems that in the future, he will definitely be more terrifying than Zimeng.

Zi Meng is very proficient in using poison in her plants, so, with Zi Meng's teaching, Di Moqi will definitely not be bad.

"I think you should teach her some good things in the future, right? If this goes on, she must be a little witch." Suzaku looked at Zimeng very regretfully, and Zimeng rolled her eyes.

"As long as you pay attention in the future, don't be too violent, be careful when you speak, and don't tell her what should be said and what should not be said. Let her learn her own way, and let her go on her own!"

(End of this chapter)

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