Chapter 1598 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (15)

"Zi'er, my you." Di Yuanmo sighed, and spoke softly to Zi Meng, who looked at Di Yuanmo in disbelief.

Di Yuanmo's inner demon turned out to be her, how could this be possible?

She has always been by Di Yuanmo's side, and has never done anything. How did she become Di Yuanmo's demon?

"Yuan..." Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo apologetically, she really didn't expect that Di Yuanmo's inner demon would be her.

"It's not your fault. If you want to blame, I can only blame myself." Di Yuanmo's hand gently covered Zimeng's face.

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo in confusion, she really didn't know what was going on with Di Yuanmo now.

"Yuan, tell me the truth, what's going on?" Zi Meng moved closer to Di Yuanmo's face, staring closely at Di Yuanmo's face.

Di Yuanmo reluctantly pushed Zi Meng's face away a little, then sighed.

"Before, we searched for many places. It was too dangerous here, so I didn't bring you in. Later, when I was looking for it myself, I went in to have a look. As a result, I accidentally broke into this cave.

Afterwards, I saw you saying goodbye to me, you said you were going back to your own world and could not live with us anymore, which made my heart hurt.

I know it's fake, but I still can't bear to hear the person with the exact same face as you say that he wants to leave me.

Although, after that, I broke free and returned to your side. As long as I saw you, I would recall the scene where you left me. I couldn't let go of this place. "

Di Yuanmo held Zimeng in his arms and talked about his experiences these days, which made Zimeng very helpless.

How could she leave Di Yuanmo?

After leaving Di Yuanmo, where can she go?

Where there is Di Yuanmo, it is her home!

"That's why you asked me, will you leave your words?" Zi Meng remembered that when Di Yuanmo took her out to relax, the words he asked her must be because of what Di Yuanmo saw here Those scenes, right?
"That's right, it's because of this, that's why I asked you like that, did it make you worry?"

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, Zi Meng nodded slightly, she was very worried, very worried.

"In the Demon King's Palace, although you are by my side, you have said that you will never leave me, but the scene of you leaving me can't be shaken from my mind no matter what, so, I will come back here again."

Di Yuanmo lowered his head, looked at Zimeng apologetically, and explained to Zimeng that although he didn't know what the reason was, he knew that he had to come here again.

He didn't expect that he would stay here for so long, and he didn't expect that Zi Meng came here to find him, and he had already reminded Zi Meng that he must not come here.

And he, thinking that he couldn't let go of this place, didn't tell Zimeng, so he ran back without authorization, and Zimeng also came here as a result.

"Zi'er, I really didn't expect that you would come here to find me, but you can't easily enter this place." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng in confusion, and Zi Meng sighed.

"Actually, I didn't know you were here before. Qinglong and the others couldn't feel your breath. Maybe Mengmeng sensed that we were in a hurry. For no reason, it asked me to follow it. Unexpectedly, it really led me to you."

(End of this chapter)

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