Chapter 160 Give me the compensation first
Otherwise, by now, she must have become friends with Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo felt Yu Zhu's gaze and looked up. Yu Zhu's resentful expression made Di Yuanmo bow his head and ignore her.

No matter how much she complains, it's useless, the matter has passed, and it cannot be repeated.

"Will that guy die inside?" Zimeng sat down, looked at the motionless piranha, and asked worriedly,
If she's not mistaken, Jun Mojiu should have come out, right?After such a long time, it will definitely be digested.

"Don't worry about him, he likes to play, so let him play." Di Yuanmo said lightly without raising his head, Zimeng lay on the table boredly, his eyes moved back and forth between Di Yuanmo and the piranha.

After waiting for a long time, Jun Mojiu didn't come out, Zi Meng couldn't help but yawned, if he didn't come out again, she would go home and sleep.

Just when Zimeng was drowsy, the piranha suddenly moved violently, and a sword light came out from inside, splitting the piranha into cold salad.

Zi Meng also woke up at this time, looked up at Jun Mojiu, Jun Mojiu's clothes were almost corroded.

However, his enchanting appearance has not changed at all, Zi Meng raised her eyebrows.

He should be allowed to stay inside for a while longer, it's too enchanting.

"I thought you fell asleep inside." Zi Meng lay on the table, looking at Jun Mojiu boredly.

Jun Mojiu looked up at her, rolled his eyes, "I said, you are too cruel, right? This dress, but my favorite, was ruined by you just like that, do you want to give me some compensation? Woolen cloth?"

Jun Mojiu didn't care about his current appearance, and looked at Zimeng with a smile, Zimeng shrugged indifferently.

This dress is not hers, so if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. Besides, it was Jun Mojiu who provoked her first, okay? Why should she make compensation?

"You give me my compensation first, I'm thinking about making it up to you." Zi Meng sat up straight, stretched out her hand, and pointed at Jun Mojiu's feet.

Jun Mojiu lowered her head, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching. She forgot that there was a layer of thorns outside the piranha.

Moreover, according to Zimeng, the thorns of these thorns are poisonous.

"Why did I forget them?" Jun Mojiu couldn't help but sighed, and looked at Zimeng.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore, I'll just make it up to you." Jun Mojiu took out a few bottles of pills and handed them to Zi Meng, who sat there motionless, just smiling.

That small appearance is clearly saying, where is this enough?
Jun Mojiu didn't talk nonsense, and with an aggrieved face, he took out some pills and handed them over. The corners of Di Yuanmo's mouth twitched slightly, trying not to let himself laugh.

Unexpectedly, to see Jun Mojiu looking so aggrieved, he was still in a good mood.

Di Yuanmo's expression was naturally noticed by Jun Mojiu, but he can't say anything now, he has to bow his head under the eaves!
Zi Meng also kept his word, and after taking the elixir, he put away the thorns and thorns. Jun Mojiu sat at the table weakly, staring straight at Zi Meng.

Zimeng sat there without hesitation, looking at the pills given by Jun Mojiu bottle by bottle, although she didn't know what these pills were for.

However, it shouldn't be too bad, right?
"Are you born with the ability to control plant growth? I've never seen anyone make piranhas grow so big."

(End of this chapter)

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