Chapter 1600 Rain

Di Yuanmo's body was gradually lifted up by the light around him, floating in mid-air.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and realized that it would take a long time for Di Yuanmo to wake up, so she turned to look at 'her' beside her.

"We've been together for so long, I still don't know your name, can you tell me?" Zimeng looked at 'her' and said softly, 'she' looked at Zimeng with her head tilted.

"Name? I don't remember, you can call me Yu." She looked at Zimeng and spoke softly.

"Rain?" Zimeng looked at her puzzled, she nodded and looked up at Di Yuanmo.

"Take a break, he won't be able to wake up in a short time, there's no use in worrying." After watching Di Yuanmo, she spoke to Zi Meng.

"Yuan said, I'm his demon." Zimeng looked at Yu, and said sadly, Yu walked to his side.

"That's right." Yu nodded lightly, "Your departure is his demon, although you have always said that you will be with him forever, but there is still a possibility of leaving, isn't it? "

Yu looked at Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng lowered her head and looked at the ground, yes, although luckily said before, it is impossible for her to go back, but Zimeng still wants to go back to her previous life The place.

It's just that later, after Di Yuanmo was with her, she didn't have this kind of thought anymore. She never thought that Di Yuanmo would always care so much.

"So, I'm really his demon?" Zimeng smiled wryly.

"However, fortunately, you came to him to make him advance successfully. If you hadn't awakened him, he would probably have been silent in his own world and would never come out."

Yu looked at Zimeng and spoke softly, Zimeng looked at her in surprise, never coming out?How can it be?

"When Xing Sunyue advances, if he fails, his cultivation will only regress. However, if he fails when advancing to the demigod or god rank, he will fall into his own demonic realm, or die directly, and , It is impossible for many people to advance to the demigod level."

Yu still explained to Zimeng carefully, Zimeng raised her head, looking proudly at Di Yuanmo who closed her eyes in the air.

Di Yuanmo deserved to be her man, he was amazing!To be able to advance to the level of a demigod is really amazing!

"He's been like this all the time, is he really okay?" Zimeng was a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's okay. As long as he succeeds in the promotion, his strength will be greatly improved. Now, you just need to wait for her quietly." Although Yu has always been expressionless, but, with Zi Meng When he spoke, his voice was always gentle.

"That's good, I was scared to death, thank you, Yu." Zi Meng smiled sweetly at Yu, Yu nodded, and looked up at Di Yuanmo in the sky with Zi Meng.

Di Yuanmo's cultivation breakthrough is something to be happy about, but Zi Meng is thinking, how can Di Yuanmo stop thinking about her leaving?

Although she really won't leave, it's not a good thing to keep Di Yuanmo so worried, is it?

Yu and Zimeng assured that nothing would happen to Di Yuanmo, so Zimeng must have breathed a sigh of relief, sitting down on the ground, feeling much more relaxed.

Seeing Zimeng sitting on the ground without any image, Yu couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth, but she didn't stop Zimeng, but stood beside Zimeng, continuing to watch Di Yuanmo's promotion process.

(End of this chapter)

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