Chapter 164 Must be Surprised
She didn't do it on purpose, she couldn't remember the way, what can she do?

When Yuzhu and the little ones heard this, they laughed shamelessly.

Zi Meng is helpless, but, as Ye Chen said, she has improved a lot now, and she won't always get lost.

"By the way, why did you come to this kind of place?" Yu Zhu looked at the surrounding environment, a little puzzled.

"The children here are all orphans. Elder sister Zimeng often comes here to see us and give us some warm clothes and food. Otherwise, everyone may not be able to last long."

Ye Chen looked at Zimeng with gratitude, and the children also looked at Zimeng gratefully.

"It's nothing, it's just that once I wanted to go out alone for a walk, but because I didn't know the way, I got lost and came here without knowing it.

Although these children are very young, they are very sensible, and I like them very much, so when I have nothing to do, I will come here to play with them and give them something. "

Zimeng patted the heads of a few little guys, and they all laughed happily when they heard Zimeng praised them for being obedient.

Seeing the smiles of Zimeng and the children, Yuzhu's opinion of Zimeng has improved, and she likes Zimeng even more.

Moreover, she and Leng Nan were once orphans, and it was Di Yuanmo who adopted them, taught them how to practice, and kept them by his side as guards.

Otherwise, what happened to them would probably be the same as these children, right?
"In the future, if it's all right, I'll come back to see you too." Yuzhu looked at the children with a smile, and everyone happily played around Zimeng and Yuzhu.

Zimeng looked at Yuzhu and smiled. Before, she might have had some small opinions on Yuzhu, but seeing her playing with the children without airs, those small opinions disappeared.

After playing for a while, Zimeng and Yuzhu left. Yuzhu was afraid that Zimeng would get lost, so she sent Zimeng back to Beili's house before leaving.

And Yu Zhu also made a decision, when she has time, she will also bring some food to see these children.

Moreover, she also decided that after returning home, she must tell Di Yuanmo about this matter, and Di Yuanmo will be very surprised then, right?

"You still know how to come back?" Walking into the yard, Zimeng was about to say something to Lucky when someone spoke first.

Zimeng raised her head and looked over. Under the tree, where she rested every day, there were three people sitting, one was Bei Liwan, one was Sheng Ge, and the other was Ling Siyun whom she just met today.

"Why are you all here? Shouldn't you be with your head? Why are you here?"

Zimeng walked over puzzled and looked at them, Bei Liwan finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing Zimeng came back.

This day, in order to watch Shengge and prevent her from demolishing her house, she has been following Shengge all the time, wishing she could tie up Shengge as Zimeng said.

"I came to see you. I want to ask you something, but I don't know how to say it." Ling Siyun smiled a little embarrassedly, but she didn't know how to say it.

Because, every pharmacist has his own secrets, and those are secret methods that they don't know, how could they tell others?

She didn't know if it would be too abrupt for her to speak suddenly, and besides, this was also an offense to Zimeng, right?
"Oh." Zimeng just said "Oh," and didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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