Chapter 171 Let's Get More Excessive (1)

But, now, can her master really understand his heart for Zimeng?
In addition, Yu Zhu heard that Zi Meng is a complete nympho, not only a nympho man, but he was also a nympho to her before.

Yu Zhu couldn't help sighing, the road ahead for her master seems to be very difficult!

"Di Yuanmo, I'm going to continue your treatment." After resting for two days, Zi Meng rushed into the National Teacher's Mansion in a hurry.

Moreover, this time, she didn't even call the national teacher, but directly called Di Yuanmo's name. Di Yuanmo, who was reading a book, looked up at Zimeng.

Leng Nan and Yu Zhu also stopped their movements and looked at Di Yuanmo cautiously.

I was afraid that he would send Zimeng flying because Zimeng called his name.

Their Master Guoshi looks very amiable, but if he gets angry, it is enough for Zimeng to drink a pot.

"Have you rested yet?" Di Yuanmo was slightly taken aback, then put down the book in his hand, and looked at Zimeng.

Zi Meng sat down in front of Di Yuanmo, picked up Di Yuanmo's teacup, drank it unceremoniously, took a deep breath, put down the teacup, and lay powerlessly on the table.

"I thought I could take a good rest after going back, but..." Zi Meng raised her hand, holding her head, not daring to think about what happened at Beili's house.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zimeng's eagerness to die, Di Yuanmo asked worriedly.

"Hey~" Zimeng lay on the table like that, slowly talking about the affairs of Beili's family.

———The hot little genius doctor——

"Little aunt, something happened, something happened." Bei Li Wan appeared in Zi Meng's room in a hurry, her face full of horror.

"What's the matter with you? This expression." Zimeng got up and looked at her.

"Go and have a look. The servants and maidservants in the family have all fallen ill, and they seem to be poisoned."

As Bei Liwan said, she felt a little lingering fear, Zi Meng blinked her eyes, poisoned?

How could someone be poisoned in Beili's house?

Moreover, it was the servant girls and servants who were poisoned, and their poisoning didn't seem to have much impact on Bei Li's family.

Although very skeptical, Zimeng got up and walked out.

No matter what the real situation is, now, you still have to go and see to know the specific situation, right?
When Zimeng and Bei Liwan saw those poisoned people, she realized that it wasn't poisoning, but a laxative, right?
"What's the matter? Did you spoil something?" Zi Meng looked at the servant girls who were clutching their stomachs and preparing to go to the toilet.

"No, we eat the same food every day, but everyone else is fine, it seems that only a few of us are having stomach problems."

A little maid clutched her belly and looked at Zimeng with a pale face.

Zimeng frowned slightly, looked at Bei Liwan, and rolled her eyes, it's just a stomachache, what about poisoning?
Even if it was poisoned, it was just a prank, right?
"Zimeng, what are you doing here?" Sheng Ge and Ling Siyun seemed to be just passing by, and when they saw Zimeng and Bei Liwan, they turned around.

When Zi Meng saw them, she seemed to have thought of something, raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms, and looked at them.

"I was also going to ask you guys. I don't know what's going on with the servant girls of our Beili's family, but how many of them have a stomachache together. I'm curious. So, can you give me an explanation?"

(End of this chapter)

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