Chapter 1710 Accept or Reject
Luo Qianqian explained to Zi Meng with some fear, Zi Meng blinked, this man is interested in her?However, she is not interested in this man.

After Luo Qianqian's voice fell, Kaiwei's eyes fell on her, and she was so frightened that she hid behind Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng.

However, his gaze didn't stay too long, and he didn't pay attention to Luo Qianqian at all, but looked at other people.

"It seems that you have a good relationship with them. You are the only envoy from the God Realm here. What about the others?" Kaiwei looked down at Luo Qianqian. Staring at her, she was terrified.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other, both a little puzzled, this man named Kaiwei was sent by the God Realm, but Luo Qianqian was also from the God Realm, why Kaiwei didn't send Luo Qianqian Put it in your eyes?

It seems that Luo Qianqian is also very afraid of him!
Even if no one dared to provoke him, he wouldn't be afraid of this, right?
"Qianqian, why do you seem to be so afraid of him?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian in confusion, Luo Qianqian nodded.

"He's really scary. I've always been afraid of him." Luo Qianqian hid behind Zimeng and spoke softly.

Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian with her head tilted, and sighed, Luo Qianqian was afraid that this would happen, so she couldn't continue to ask questions!

"Are they not here? Or are they imprisoned by you?" Kaiwei still looked at Di Yuanmo and the others with a faint smile on his face.

"They were put down by me, and they should sleep for a while." Di Yuanmo said lightly.

Hearing this, he didn't think there was anything strange, and he didn't care at all, as if the life and death of those people had nothing to do with him.

This surprised Zimeng and the others. They thought that Kaiwei would be very angry when he heard this, but why was he so calm?And, he still doesn't care at all.

However, soon, Zimeng didn't care anymore, he didn't care about his companions, so what did she care about?

It's just asking for trouble for yourself!

Kaiwei watched Zimeng walking past, bent down, and looked at Zimeng's face seriously, Zimeng frowned, and took a step back, she really hated this guy looking at her!

"Excuse me, is it not good for you to keep staring at my wife?" Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and pulled Zi Meng into his arms. Zi Meng leaned against his chest and blinked.

"Is that so? But, it's really a pity, you are just a demigod, and my strength is already close to that of a god. If I kill you, can I get her?"

Kaiwei looked at Zimeng with a smile, and said something that disgusted Zimeng, Zimeng patted Di Yuanmo's chest lightly, and looked at Kaiwei.

"If you want to fight with Yuan, I'm sorry, you want to hit us both. I think, although we have just advanced to the demigod level, the strength of the two of us can definitely kill you, do you believe it?"

A faint smile rose on Zimeng's face, looking at Kaiwei, Kaiwei looked at Zimeng's smile, his expression became more obsessed, but Zimeng turned around and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, it seems that someone is going to provoke you? Do you accept it? Or reject it?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and Di Yuanmo rubbed Zi Meng's head lovingly.

"If it's for you, no matter who's provocation, I'll accept it, and I won't show mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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