Chapter 1712 Abusive Tendency
Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo and spoke softly, the two of them looked at Luo Qianqian, Luo Qianqian stood there with an apologetic face.

"I didn't know he would come so soon." Luo Qianqian stood there aggrieved, with her head lowered pitifully, as if this incident was her fault.

"Okay, this matter has nothing to do with you, right? You didn't ask him to come here, did you?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian like this, and comforted her very helplessly. Although she was wronged, she still nodded slightly .

Although she didn't call him here, but it was also because they failed to contact the God Realm in time, that's why he came here.

"However, is this Kaiwei really that scary?" Zimeng looked at Luo Qianqian in confusion, this time Luo Qianqian didn't nod lightly, but crazily.

Zi Meng stretched out her hand and held her head down to prevent her from nodding, but Zi Meng was afraid that she would nod too hard and her head would fly out.

"My master's strength is actually very strong, but when facing Kaiwei, he will still be more careful. No one knows what this Kaiwei is smiling at the moment, and what he will do the next moment.

The one I remember most vividly is that someone said bad things about him. In fact, it was not a bad word, but he was cruel and merciless. In the end, he beat that person until he couldn't stand up in full view.

Then, he left without saying anything, his behavior, everyone has already passed this matter, but after that, as long as he meets that person, he will be knocked down by him for no reason.

In the end, that person couldn't stay any longer, so he left directly and went to live in another place. "

Thinking about the scene at that time, Luo Qianqian couldn't help shivering, beating people like that, in fact, it would be better to kill him directly.

In particular, the one who was beaten didn't happen once or twice, she would be beaten every time she encountered it, but she had heard people say that that person avoided Kaiwei every time in order not to meet Kaiwei.

However, every time I go out, I can almost meet them!

Who dares to say that Kaiwei didn't do this on purpose?

"Since you can beat people to the ground, why not kill them directly? Wouldn't that be more relieved? This guy has a tendency to abuse people, right?" Zi Meng's mouth twitched.

Luo Qianqian is also very helpless, this is Kaiwei's hobby, who can do it?And most importantly...

"In the main city where we live, the resources for cultivation are the best. If we leave the main city, the speed of cultivation will be much slower, and even, there will be no chance to advance in the future."

Luo Qianqian told Zi Meng and them this fact very seriously, Zi Meng stroked her chin and shook her head lightly, she still couldn't figure it out!

If it was her, she would definitely choose to kill him directly, so that she would feel comfortable in her heart!
However, Kaiwei just beat people so hard that he couldn't stay in the main city. If he left the main city, wouldn't he still be able to live well?What's the point of driving people out of the main city?

Unless, it's him who shows his sense of superiority, dare not, it doesn't make sense at all!
"Could it be because of this that you guys think he's scary? I think it's okay, right?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian with an incredulous gaze, and Luo Qianqian looked at Zi Meng's unbelievable gaze , shaking his head slightly.

How could it be possible to be afraid of him just because of these things?He has done many things, but now, isn't it time to talk about him?Shouldn't you think about what to do next?

(End of this chapter)

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