Chapter 1715 This Is My Mother

"Speak as you speak, what are you doing so close? Sprayed all over my face." Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi, and spoke innocently, the corner of Mo Qiqi's mouth twitched violently!
At this time, there is still time to joke around, Mo Qiqi really doubts, is Zi Meng frightened by Kaiwei?

"You don't have to worry about it, the two of us can handle this matter." Di Yuanmo looked around at the worried people, and spoke lightly, but even if he spoke, everyone was still not at ease.

"Okay, okay, you guys should make arrangements here. Yuan Yuan and I will leave here first, so that you won't be able to laugh when you see us." Zi Meng shook her head helplessly, and directly took the two children with Di Yuanmo. left.

Mo Qiqi and the others stood there in a daze, how could they just leave?Didn't you say they were going to be arranged together?
Leaving suddenly seems a bit too much, right?

Or did she just leave the stall like this?

She said she would do it herself, right?But why did she run away first?
"Mother, where are we going?" Di Moqi looked up at Zimeng, Zimeng looked down at her and smiled.

"Mother, will you take you to play?" Zimeng said with a smile, and the eyes of both Di Moli and Di Moqi lit up.

Zimeng hasn't played with them for a long time, this time, they must have fun!
Zimeng looked at the two very happy children, and gradually put away the smile on her face. She felt that she was very sorry for the two children. She just came back, and now, at some point, she will leave again.

Although neither Zimeng nor Di Yuanmo wanted to go to the God Realm, but now it seems that they have no choice but to go. If this continues, more people will come from the God Realm and it will be more troublesome!
Therefore, she and Di Yuanmo must be going to the God Realm!

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, as if he knew what Zimeng was thinking at this moment, and looked down at the two children, Di Moli and Di Moqi.

"Where do you want to go to play?" Di Yuanmo looked at the two children and spoke softly. Both children looked at Di Yuanmo and shook their heads. They seldom went out to play, so they didn't know where to go.

"Chirp, chirp!" Youque Mengmeng chased from behind, laying on Di Moqi's shoulder, looking at Zimeng and the others with resentment.

When they came out, they even forgot about it. If it hadn't reacted quickly, it would definitely not be able to catch up with them.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot about you, don't be angry!" Zimeng looked at Mengmeng apologetically, Mengmeng turned her head in embarrassment, as if she was really angry.

Zimeng looked at its haughty look amusedly, stretched out her hand, and rubbed its little head, and it immediately closed its eyes comfortably.

Di Moqi despised it very much when she saw it looking so useless. Just now, she looked angry, but in the end, she was just patted on the head, so happy!
"Mother, mother, I want it too!" Di Moqi grabbed Zimeng's hand and placed it on her head.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Mengmeng looked at Di Moqi dissatisfied, but Di Moqi turned her head and didn't look at it at all.

"This is my mother! I won't let it to you, hum!" Di Moqi pouted, mumbling in dissatisfaction, Zimeng looked helplessly at Di Moqi and Mengmeng, the relationship between the two Isn't it usually good?
Why is it like this for a little thing?Is this proof of a good relationship?
(End of this chapter)

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