Chapter 1718 Saying the wrong thing (3)

After being stunned for a while, Di Yuanmo realized what Zimeng said, and hurriedly chased after him. Before he could explain to everyone, he hugged Zimeng and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

And Zi Meng was very quiet in Di Yuanmo's arms, neither talking nor struggling, but just quietly looking at Di Yuanmo's face.

Di Yuanmo frowned tightly, hugged Zimeng, and went straight back to the National Teacher's Mansion, back to their own room.

Putting Zimeng on the bed, Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and Zimeng also looked at Diyuanmo quietly. Now, no matter what Diyuanmo's expression is, Zimeng will not feel scary.

Moreover, what she just said was very serious. If Di Yuanmo really dared to go to the God Realm alone, then she would really leave.

Absolutely no joke!

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, with a flash of pain in his eyes. Although Zi Meng was very reluctant, if she didn't do this, Di Yuanmo might really go to the God Realm alone .

At that time, she really doesn't know what danger Di Yuanmo will encounter.

"Zi'er, I will never let you leave me, absolutely not!" Di Yuanmo said, bowing his head and kissing Zi Meng's lips fiercely, Zi Meng couldn't feel the love in the kiss, only the pain .

On the lips, because of the pain from Di Yuanmo's excessive force, on the heart, because of the sadness passed down by Di Yuanmo.

She didn't expect that just such a sentence would make him so sad. She knew that her words deeply hurt Di Yuanmo.

She almost forgot that her departure was caused by Di Yuanmo's inner demon.

Tears involuntarily fell from the corners of Zi Meng's eyes, and Di Yuanmo's movements stopped suddenly.

"Zi'er? I'm sorry, Zi'er, I'm sorry." Di Yuanmo's hand trembled slightly, wiping Zi Meng's tears away, but Zi Meng's tears couldn't be stopped no matter what.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo's hands froze there, he knew that his actions just now were too radical.

However, when Zi Meng said that he would not wait for him, he couldn't control his emotions at all!
"Zi'er, I'm sorry, I was too excited, did I hurt you?" Di Yuanmo's hand was gently placed on Zi Meng's face, and Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with tears in her eyes.

"Yuan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing, I'm sorry." Zi Meng stretched out her hand suddenly, put her arms around Di Yuanmo's neck, and kept apologizing, Di Yuanmo hugged Zi Meng tightly.

"It's my fault. I'm too self-willed. From now on, no matter where I go, I will be with you. I will never mess around by myself."

Di Yuanmo hugged Zimeng and spoke softly, not because he compromised, but because he was afraid that Zimeng would really leave him.

When Zimeng was tired and fell asleep in Diyuanmo's arms, Diyuanmo put her on the bed and held Zimeng's hand tightly, as if Zimeng would disappear if he let go.

"I'm sorry, Zi'er, I made you sad, and I won't do it in the future." Di Yuanmo gently wiped away the wet tears on Zi Meng's face, and looked at her apologetically.

"Daddy..." Di Moli and Di Moqi walked in from the outside holding hands, Di Yuanmo turned to look at them, the two little guys also had tears on their faces, it was evident that they had cried.

"Come here." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand to them, and the two little guys rushed over, threw themselves into Di Yuanmo's arms, and held on to Di Yuanmo's clothes tightly.

The regret in Di Yuanmo's eyes was deeper, he had failed too much, not only worrying Zimeng, but also worrying the children.

(End of this chapter)

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