Chapter 173 Let's Get More Excessive (3)

"Little aunt is really amazing. She has hidden so many things from us. Grandpa and the others must be surprised if they see it?"

Bei Liwan withdrew her surprised expression and turned to look for Bei Li Xinhong. She wanted to report this matter to Bei Li Xinhong.

Otherwise, if they find out later, they will definitely blame her.

"I said, you two, leave Beili's house for me from now on." Zimeng looked at Shengge and Ling Siyun fiercely.

"No, the task assigned to me by the head has not been completed yet." Sheng Ge refused without hesitation, Zi Meng's mouth twitched, and she looked at Ling Siyun.

Ling Siyun didn't speak at all, she lowered her head to study the book in her hand, ignoring Zimeng.

"That's how things are!" After Zi Meng finished speaking, she looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully.

"Since they've been cured, there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?" Di Yuanmo also expressed his helplessness. He didn't expect that the Liuli Sect would act so recklessly.

"It's okay? How is it possible?" Zimeng really didn't have the strength to get up from the table, so she lay down on the table and closed her eyes.

With that appearance, life is a bit worse than death!

"..." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, turned his head, and focused his gaze on Lucky.

"In order to learn the master's moves, that Ling Siyun poisoned the servants at home and asked the master to treat her. Now, everyone is so scared that no one dares to approach her."

Lucky Little Claw took out a piece of dim sum from the plate on the table and ate it, not forgetting to imitate Zimeng and sigh helplessly.

"Eh!" Di Yuanmo's movements paused slightly, and he finally knew why Zi Meng had such an expression.

"At first, I thought that there was Shengge destroying me every day, almost demolishing Beili's house, which made me very helpless and wanted to hit someone.

As a result, now, something has come and gone too far, directly poisoning the servants and maids at home, woo woo, I don't want to go home anymore. "

Zimeng opened her eyes, looking at Di Yuanmo wanting to cry but without tears, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng helplessly.

She doesn't want to go home, what can she do?
Although there are many places to live in the National Teacher's Mansion, he doesn't know if Zimeng would like to be here.

Moreover, it seems a bit wrong to invite Zimeng to stay rashly, right?

"Miss Zimeng, all we have here are empty rooms, do you want to stay here for a few days and take a good rest first?"

Before Di Yuanmo could speak, Yu Zhu jumped directly in front of Zimeng, and almost rushed into Zimeng's arms.

Just by looking at Di Yuanmo's expression, Yu Zhu knew that her national teacher wanted to keep Zi Meng, but there was no good excuse.

As Di Yuanmo's most capable subordinate, she naturally wants to help Di Yuanmo solve the problems he can't solve for the time being!
Haha, she is such a caring subordinate!
"Uh, stay here? Although it's very good, it's very quiet, and no one will disturb you, but won't it disturb you?"

When Zi Meng said this, she looked at Di Yuanmo from the corner of her eyes, and Di Yuanmo's body froze suddenly, and he sighed.

"Then stay here, and you can take a good rest. The treatment for me should be very hard, right?"

When Di Yuanmo said this, he deliberately picked up the book he had put down before, and lowered his head to hide his current expression.

However, Leng Nan, who was standing in the distance, still saw the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth slightly raised, and then Leng Nan also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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