Chapter 1745 Cute Little Deer (3)

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes. If they were wronged, it should be Zimeng who was wronged, okay?
After a good night's sleep, a deer licked her face and took advantage of it. She didn't feel wronged. Why did this little deer feel so wronged?
"I said, I should be the one who should be wronged, right? What's the situation with you?" Zimeng looked at Xiaolu helplessly, and Xiaolu immediately put away her grievance, blinking her big watery eyes at Zimeng.

"Tell me, how did you get here? We've been searching for a long time, but we haven't found any way out here?" After wiping her face, Zi turned around and walked to Xiaolu's side, Di Yuanmo followed her closely Behind him, he looked at the deer with dangerous eyes.

He has always wanted to kill this little thing directly. If Zimeng didn't need it to lead the way, how could he have kept it?

"Zi'er, I don't think it intends to tell the truth, otherwise, why don't we just kill it? One day, we will find a way out." Di Yuanmo saw that the little deer was not going to speak, so he said to Zimeng directly. Open your mouth, you want to kill the deer.

"No, no, why did you kill me? I didn't mean to take advantage of your woman. Sure enough, the master is right. The people outside are very scary, and they want to kill me at every turn."

Xiaolu looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo aggrievedly, as if Zimeng and the others had done something wrong to it.

"It turns out that your master knows people outside quite well? He knows that we are not good people."

Zimeng looked at Xiaolu with a smile, Xiaolu looked at Zimeng, and drooled immediately, Zimeng couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she looked at it, she was talking well, why did she suddenly start drooling?

"Yuan, is it okay?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, she found that Di Yuanmo's face was ugly, as if she wanted to pounce on the drooling deer and tear it to pieces.

"Well, Yuan, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Di Yuanmo's appearance, Zi Meng blinked involuntarily.

Di Yuanmo looked away from the murderous deer and looked at Zimeng. Although he looked away, no matter how he looked at it, Di Yuanmo seemed very unhappy.

"Zi'er, can I kill it? Let's find the way out slowly." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and opened his mouth softly. The corners of Zi Meng's mouth couldn't help twitching again. What happened to Yuan Mo?
It was fine just now, why did Di Yuanmo get so angry after the little deer drooled?Moreover, you want to kill it?
"No, no, I don't want to die. If you kill me, you will never be able to get out, really, really." Xiaolu struggled, trying to break free from Zimeng's shackles, but Zimeng's shackles , how could it be able to break free if it wanted to?

When Zi Meng heard what it said, she turned her head to look at it, a wicked light flashed in her eyes.

"Although, I want it to take us out, but now, I think it's better to kill it. It seems that I haven't eaten venison for a long time." Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. Yuan Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Although, he sensed that Zimeng's attitude seemed a bit wrong, but seeing that Zimeng hadn't changed much, he didn't care so much.

Moreover, he could feel that the Zimeng in front of him was indeed his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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