Chapter 1757

"It seems that this child likes you very much!" Chuang Shi Shen looked at Zi Meng and Di Moli and said softly.

"Mother, I want to hug him too." Di Moqi gently tugged at Zimeng's sleeve, blinking at the child in Zimeng's arms with sparkling eyes.

I don't know if I heard what she said, but the little guy was holding on to Zimeng's clothes tightly, for fear of being taken away!
However, when Zimeng looked at him, she found that he was sleeping soundly, and the movement of grabbing her clothes seemed to be unconscious.

"Well, what should I do about this?" Zimeng looked at Chuangshishen, and asked helplessly. She just thought it was fun for such a little guy to hold Di Moli's leg, so she took a few more glances. , who knew, it would be such a situation?

"I don't quite know what's going on, this child was created with the deer, but the deer has been born for a long time, and the child has not yet been born.

I figured that the birth should happen within this period of time, but I didn't expect it to be so soon, and moreover, I'm so destined to be with you! "

Chuangshishen looked at Zimeng and Di Moli with a smile, and Xiaolu stood beside Zimeng, stretching his head to see the little guy in Zimeng's arms, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see it.

"Mother, mother..." Di Moqi hugged Zimeng's legs anxiously and was about to climb up. Di Yuanmo bent down and hugged Di Moqi. Di Moqi looked at the baby in Zimeng's arms. Child, watching very quietly.

"Mother, can he be my younger brother?" Di Moqi suddenly looked up at Zi Meng, and Zi Meng's mouth twitched slightly.

Be her brother?
This girl is too good at thinking, right?
Let's not talk about whether the person in front of me is really the God of Creation, but a child born from an egg is not a normal human being no matter how you look at it?

How could he be her younger brother?

Moreover, this belongs to others, and they cannot take it away!
"No!" Before Zimeng could decide what to say, Di Moli spoke first.

He didn't like this guy who hugged his leg and never let go. If this guy was with them in the future, wouldn't he have to see this guy every day?
Wouldn't it be worse if he hugged his leg and didn't let go when he was fine?He doesn't like having someone hug his leg every day!
"But, why? I want someone to call me sister!" Di Moqi looked at Di Moli dissatisfied, seeing how wronged she was, but Di Moli refused to agree.

"Why do you want people to call you sister?" Zimeng looked at Di Moqi amusedly, and Di Moqi looked at Zimeng aggrievedly.

"Because I can only call him brother every day, why isn't he brother?" Di Moqi pouted and looked at Di Moli, who turned his head and didn't look at her at all.

This kind of thing is not something he can decide, even if you look at him, it's useless, right?If there is any problem, it is naturally Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo's problem.

Zimeng shrugged. She can conceive and have children, but she is not sure who is the husband and who will be the offspring?
"Mother, mother, okay?" In Di Yuanmo's arms, Di Moqi stretched out her hand and tugged at Zimeng's sleeve, with that pitiful look in her eyes, Zimeng really had nothing to say.

In the end, Zimeng could only look at Chuangshishen, the child belonged to him.

"It's better to ask this kid about this question. If he agrees, I naturally won't have any opinions."

(End of this chapter)

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