Chapter 179: Zi Meng’s Abnormality (5)

"Well, I'm not feeling well, so I don't need to drink this?" The corners of Nan Jin Chuyue's mouth twitched slightly.

"This is not medicine, it's just that you have just injected a lot of blood for Miss Zimeng, and your face is a little pale. Drink this, it can make up for it."

Looking at Nan Jin Chuyue's appearance, Yu Zhu thought it was very funny, but she still explained something.

This was prepared by Di Yuanmo in advance. Nan Jin Chuyue signed a blood contract with Zi Meng, and there was a lot of blood to be lost.

However, Yu Zhu was very curious, how did Di Yuanmo know that Leng Nan would be able to bring the master of Xuanwu here.

"This...well, thank you." Nan Jin Chuyue turned her head, looked at the people surrounding Zi Meng, reached out, and took the bowl of soup.

Sighing, he drank the decoction in one gulp, but it didn't seem to have any bad taste.

"Well, is she okay?" Nan Jin Chuyue put the empty bowl on the table, looked at Zi Meng, and asked worriedly.

She had already signed a blood contract with this man named Zi Meng, but Zi Meng still didn't respond at all, which made her a little worried, might this blood contract be useless?
"I don't know, but it should be all right? Miss Nan Jin, why don't you just sit here and rest for a while?"

Yu Zhu smiled at Nan Jin Chuyue, picked up the empty bowl and walked out. Although she was also very worried about Zi Meng's situation, but now that there are so many people around, how could she have a chance to speak?
After Yu Zhu went out, Nan Jin Chuyue got up, walked to Xuan Wu's side, and raised her foot to look at Zi Meng on the bed.

Zimeng's face was still flushed, but his breathing had become much smoother, as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Lucky, are you sure she'll be fine?" Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked at the luck on Qinglong's shoulder.

Lucky jumped off Qinglong's shoulder and landed in Di Yuanmo's arms, looking at Zimeng.

"Well, now wait for the master's blood to fuse with Xuanwu master's blood, and after the blood is completely fused, the master will definitely be able to wake up."

Lucky suddenly felt a lot easier, and Di Yuanmo also breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his head, took off the hot towel from Zimeng's forehead, dipped it in cold water, and continued to put it on Zimeng's forehead.

Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Di Yuanmo and felt very curious. As the lord of the country, why did he treat Zi Meng so well?
Moreover, looking at Zimeng's eyes, it seems to be very gentle.

"Well, Master Xuanwu, we..." Nan Jin Chuyue stood for a while, seeing that no one was paying attention to her, she lightly tugged on Xuanwu's sleeve.

"Chuyue, I'm sorry, I was too worried about her, and I forgot about you. You just consumed a lot of blood, so let's rest for a while, but can we leave after she wakes up?"

Xuanwu looked at Nanjin Chuyue apologetically, worried about Zimeng's condition, he really forgot about Nanjin Chuyue.

Nan Jin Chuyue sighed, even if she was worried, but it's not good for three big men to stare at a girl like this?
And, what is this place?How could the National Teacher's Mansion be a place where she could rest if she wanted to?
"Yu Zhu, arrange a place for Miss Nan Jin to live and let her go and rest for a while."

Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked at the door. Yuzhu walked in from the door, nodded to Di Yuanmo, and walked towards Nanjin Chuyue. Di Yuanmo also turned his head and continued to look at Zimeng.

"Miss Nan Jin, this way please." Yu Zhu stretched out her hand to Nan Jin Chuyue.

(End of this chapter)

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