Chapter 1802 Only in charge of watching
Zi Meng looked at Yan Ran, who was not looking for death or life, but still looked like she was dying, and turned to look at Di Yuanmo. This matter has something to do with Di Yuanmo, so I have to ask Di Yuanmo about it. opinion!

"It's all up to you, you decide!" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's blinking eyes, and said helplessly. Hearing what he said, Zi Meng immediately smiled happily.

And Yanran, hearing what Di Yuanmo said, seemed to know that if Zimeng made the decision, there would be a good solution, so her mood immediately stabilized, Luo Qianqian helped her back to the room, let She rests first.

"Yan Ran pays great attention to her reputation. She will be very upset if someone sees her body. If this matter is not resolved, she may continue to commit suicide."

After Luo Qianqian sent Yanran back to the room, she walked out and looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo in embarrassment.

"Then what should we do? Could it be that Yuan gave her a title and married her?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian and raised her eyebrows, Luo Qianqian also lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I don't agree." Luo Qianqian and the others didn't speak, and Di Yuanmo refused first.

"Even if you agree, I won't agree." Zi Meng rolled her eyes at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo gently rubbed Zi Meng's head.

Looking at them, Luo Qianqian was in a dilemma. It was absolutely impossible for Di Yuanmo to marry Yan Ran. If this matter is not resolved, Yanran will definitely continue to seek life and death.

Therefore, there must be a reasonable solution to this matter.

"Then what should I do? You can't let her continue looking for life? What if she really commits suicide? She is my best friend." Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng anxiously, Zimeng is very smart Yes, we must be able to think of a good solution!
However, Zimeng shrugged her shoulders, she has no choice, the best way is to let Di Yuanmo marry Yanran, but neither she nor Di Yuanmo will agree, so she has no choice for the time being!
"Miss Zimeng, I don't want to disturb your current life, so I don't want any status, but I am willing to stay by your side to serve you, let me do anything!"

Just when everyone was helpless, Yanran came out of the room by herself, and she knelt down in front of Zimeng excitedly, wanting Zimeng to accept her.

"How is this possible? You are Qianqian's friend, how can Yuan Yuan and I let you serve us?" Zimeng looked at the excited Yanran, and bent down to help her up, but she refused to stand up no matter what , just kneeling in front of Zimeng.

Zimeng sighed, she thought what Yanran would do, but unexpectedly, she wanted to use this method to stay by their side, to be honest, this is really a very good method!

She couldn't refuse at all, and there was a feeling that this was a good idea!
"I'm already like this, and I won't be able to marry in the future, so I'm willing to serve you, so why don't you keep me?" Yanran started to cry again, and Zimeng couldn't speak for a moment because of her pitiful look. refute.

After opening his mouth, he looked at Di Yuanmo aggrievedly, and Di Yuanmo shrugged. He had already handed over this matter to Zi Meng, so now he was only in charge of watching.

(End of this chapter)

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