Chapter 1816 Qianqian Gone

"Master, is there any other place we can go?" Luo Qianqian looked at Luo Qing helplessly, and Luo Qing was also helpless, what can we do if we don't leave here?
These people already know this place by now, so, soon, they'll be making trouble again!

Zimeng has already started to go crazy, if this continues, Zimeng will definitely not be able to bear it, so she can only leave first!Let's talk about other things after they settle down!

"There is no other way now, one wave to solve the wave, this is not the solution! I will definitely die of exhaustion!" Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms and spoke weakly.

"I want to leave, senior, is there any other quiet place here?" Di Yuanmo patted Zi Meng's back, comforting her silently, and looked at Luo Qing.

"There are quiet places, but I don't know if they will know." Luo Qing looked at Di Yuanmo with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, no matter what, let's leave here first." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and spoke softly, Zimeng nodded, now, it is indeed necessary to leave here first!

Otherwise, those soldiers would come here to make trouble without asking any questions, and they really couldn't stand it!

If you say leave, then leave, Zimeng and the others simply tidied up and left here. When other people chase after them, I'm afraid there will only be an empty house, right?

"Yuan, tell me, should we go directly to them? This is not an option!" In the new environment, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo sat face to face, and Zi Meng lay weakly on the table. Looking at Di Yuanmo.

They have been here for a few days now, but it is inevitable that those people will find them again after a few days!
"Go to them now, we will have more troubles, won't we?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng with a smile, and Zimeng blinked, as if so.

No matter there are so many, anyway, don't look for them now, after they know the identities of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, they will look for them soon!

"Then we can only wait here for them to cause trouble!" Zimeng sighed, feeling helpless, Di Yuanmo looked at her and smiled.

"Qianqian is gone!" Luo Qing's anxious voice came over, Zi Meng sat up and looked at her, how could Luo Qianqian disappear?Wasn't she still here before?
Zi Meng looked around, and there was indeed no sign of Luo Qianqian, Zi Meng frowned suddenly.

"Let's look around first, maybe, she is nearby." Zi Meng looked at Luo Qing, Luo Qing nodded, and the three of them acted immediately, and searched around, but they couldn't find Luo Qianqian.

"Have you found it?" Luo Qing looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo who had come back and asked anxiously. Di Yuanmo shook his head lightly. There is no one else around here except the three of them!

"No, I don't know why, I have a very bad feeling, and, very bad!" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qing and Di Yuanmo, frowning tightly, Luo Qing lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking What.

Just when Zi Meng was about to say something, Luo Qing cast a spell and left the place suddenly, Zi Meng blinked in confusion, not knowing why Luo Qing left in such a hurry.

"Well, something happened, right?" Zimeng looked at Luoqing's leaving figure, and asked softly with some doubts, Di Yuanmo shook his head slightly, he didn't know what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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