Chapter 1836 Schadenfreude
In her impression, Kaiwei is definitely the most difficult one to communicate with, no, not the most difficult one to communicate with, but the one they dare not communicate with at all, okay?
Because, in Luo Qianqian's memory, Kaiwei was the one who would kill anyone who provoked him, and would never communicate with anyone or say anything.

However, now that he and Zimeng are together, they not only communicate well, but also take the initiative to help Zimeng and the others. Is it her illusion?
"I don't need your help. If you don't watch the fun behind your back, thank you!" Zimeng rolled her eyes at Kaiwei, and Kaiwei shrugged.

Helping Zimeng and the others is to wait for Zimeng and the others to know the truth, and he will be responsible for watching the fun, okay?
However, since Zimeng and the others don't need help, it means that the excitement he can watch must be better than imagined!

"Master, is it my illusion?" Luo Qianqian approached Luoqing, looked at Zimeng and Kaiwei and whispered.

"What?" Luo Qing turned to look at Luo Qianqian.

"Is what happened in front of me real? Why do I suddenly feel that this Kaiwei has suddenly become so kind?" Luo Qianqian looked at Kaiwei and whispered in confusion.

It's not that she wants to ask, but that she really can't figure it out!

"If what you saw was an illusion, then the two of us had the same illusion!" Luo Qing glanced at Luo Qianqian, then spoke softly, Luo Qianqian looked at Luo Qing suspiciously.

Sure enough, this is not an illusion!
Seeing Zimeng and Di Yuanmo talking to Kaiwei so calmly, Luo Qianqian became even more puzzled.

She clearly remembered that when Zimeng and Di Yuanmo had not decided to come to the God Realm, Kaiwei went to pick him up in person. At Bei Li's house, the relationship between Zimeng and Kaiwei was incompatible. Kind of, why did it suddenly become so harmonious before now?

"Don't think about it too much. The previous few things, our actions were indeed a little big, and it's normal for people to know, I'm here, it's okay." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's tangled brows, Reach out and gently stroke her away.

"I'm not worried about being known, but I'm just thinking, who is the informer? These two times, I didn't see anyone familiar near the execution platform? Who could be such a boring informer?" Zi Meng Looking at Di Yuanmo with some doubts, Di Yuanmo also shook his head slightly, indicating that he did not see any acquaintances either.

However, his mind was on Zimeng, and he didn't care about the others.

"Although, I don't know who it is, but I know that you are going to be in trouble!" Kaiwei said lightly, and his leisurely look made Zimeng suspect his purpose of coming here to report to them!
"My friend, why do I feel that you are gloating?" Zimeng looked at Kaiwei dissatisfied.

"Is there?" Kaiwei blinked innocently, Zimeng rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Well, are you two okay? Why are you staring at us so blankly? Is there anything strange?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qing and Luo Qianqian innocently, they both shook their heads as they looked at each other.

How could there be no strange places?Not just weird, but really weird!

However, the two of them can't say in front of Kaiwei, the strangest person is Kaiwei, right?

It's rare for them to see Kaiwei's current side. If they tell the truth, no one will believe it!

(End of this chapter)

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