Chapter 1839 Explain

After Luo Qianqian finished speaking, she turned her back to Yan Ran and closed her eyes in disappointment.

She understands that the friendship between her and Yanran has come to an end, and even now that Yanran repents, there will never be any relaxation between her and Yanran.

If we say that before, Luo Qianqian still doubted what Zimeng and the others said about Yanran, but since Yanran lied to her and got her arrested, she no longer believed in Yanran.

For Yan Ran, Luo Qianqian is now only disappointed and heartbroken!
It's just that she didn't understand why, why Yanran treated her like this, so she really wanted to ask, but no matter what she asked, Yanran just refused to pay attention to her.

"Your matters, you can just think about it yourself, that woman, what are you going to do with it?" Kaiwei turned to look at Yanran, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo also turned their heads to look at Yanran.

"I don't know how to deal with her yet, but no matter what, I will never let her go." Zimeng said lightly, Kaiwei shrugged and did not express his opinion.

"This woman looks timid and cowardly, but she is a person with vicious thoughts. Those timid appearances are just the illusion she showed. She did this just to let people know that she is very timid and can't do anything. bad thing.

But in fact, she has done so many bad things that I can't even count them. I really don't know why your friend is so stupid, so stupid that even if he finds out something, he never doubts her. "

Kaiwei sat down leisurely, shaking his legs, looking at Yanran and Luo Qianqian, Zimeng blinked, looking at Kaiwei, always felt that Kaiwei seemed to know something they didn't.

"Explain?" Zi Meng asked lightly.

"Explain what? Isn't what I said clear enough?" Kaiwei looked at Zimeng with his hands spread out, not intending to explain.

"It's not that you didn't explain clearly enough, but that I don't quite understand. You mean, this Yanran has never been a good person? Her behavior in front of Luo Qianqian has always been pretending?"

Zimeng blinked and looked at Kaiwei. Kaiwei shrugged, and he said that he explained it very clearly. Sure enough, Zimeng still understood.

After Zimeng looked at Kaiwei, she frowned and looked at Yanran. Luo Qianqian was still standing in front of Yanran. Yanran kept her head down all the time, ignoring her at all. There was a faint smile.

It's already this time, are you still pretending here?Could it be that she thought that if she didn't say anything, Luo Qianqian would soften her heart and let Zimeng let her go?
It's a pity, even if Luo Qianqian is soft-hearted, it is impossible for Zimeng to let her go.
Then continue to pretend, just in time, Zimeng also wants to see how far Luo Qianqian's determination can go, this is also related to how much Luo Qianqian can grow after going out to practice in the future!
Anyway, now, Yanran is bound by vines, as long as Zimeng doesn't let go of those vines, no one can open them, Yanran can't do anything she wants.

"Forget it, I don't want to pay attention to her now, let Luo Qianqian have a good chat with her for a while, let's think about it, and then, when those troubles come up, how can we solve them, we can't come one, we have to get rid of her." drop one?"

Zimeng nestled lazily in Di Yuanmo's arms, and spoke weakly. Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at her dotingly.

(End of this chapter)

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