Chapter 1866

Kaiwei looked at Zimeng and Suzaku who were in high spirits, and they felt very helpless. With such four great beasts and such a master, it was enough to make people suffer!

"Kaiwei, if you don't leave, I'll leave you behind!" Zimeng and the others walked for a while, seeing that Kaiwei didn't keep up, she couldn't help but remind them.

Kaiwei hurriedly followed. Although he couldn't figure out what Zimeng and the others were going to do, Kaiwei followed them with the idea of ​​watching the fun.

With the suppression of the four great beasts, many people have expressed their attitudes, and they will not seek trouble from Zimeng and the others, nor will they seek trouble from Bei Li's family.

This made Zimeng very satisfied, but although some people would not make trouble, there would be others who would!
For those who refused to give up, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were not worried or cared about anything, they directly hit them, bruising their noses and swollen faces.

If they keep talking nicely, they can only use violence to coerce them. Under violence, they have to express their views and will never make trouble.

Kaiwei was shocked when he saw what Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo did. Before, he thought that these two people were easy to get along with, but he didn't expect that they would be so violent.

Moreover, this violence made him tremble with fear!
What's more, Kaiwei felt that those who said he was scary were all blind. At least, he was always in the same state. He wouldn't be like Zimeng, who was talking to you with a smile just now, and suddenly there was no warning. Turn your face and beat you up.

This is the real horror, right?

Moreover, the two of them will definitely not care who the other party is, and they will not care if they continue beating so violently, whether they will directly kill someone!

Everything, we have to wait until the fight is over.

"Oh, I'm so tired!" Zi Meng stretched her waist, and lightly hammered her waist. Seeing Zi Meng like this, Di Yuanmo walked over and rubbed Zi Meng's waist.

Zi Meng immediately closed her eyes comfortably, Kaiwei looked at the man who was beaten badly on the ground, and shook his head helplessly, I'm afraid no one would believe that this man was once a strong man in their eyes, right?

Being beaten like this by Zimeng, Di Yuanmo and the four great beasts without any power to fight back is really frightening to death!
"The matter has been settled, are we going back?" Kaiwei looked at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng and asked softly.

"I don't want to go back. I think that after we go back, someone will be waiting for us. Thinking about it, I'm a little startled!" Zi Meng stared blankly at Kaiwei for a long time before opening her mouth quietly.

Kaiwei blinked, someone was waiting for them?

After thinking for a while, Kaiwei seems to have thought of something. That beauty with heavy makeup who always likes to lean against Zimeng said that she wanted to play with Zimeng. If they go back, that woman is already waiting there. Isn't there no way for them to escape?
"So, do you want to go back?" Zimeng looked at Kaiwei, and Kaiwei shook his head violently. He really had nothing to do with her and didn't dare to go back. Let's take advantage of this time to go out for a stroll!

"I'm going back to rest. When you are in trouble, call me out again?" Qinglong yawned. Unexpectedly, after being inactive for a while, he was so tired from beating someone. It seems that in the future, he needs to exercise hard!

"Then let's go back first! Just call us if there's anything to do!" Bai Hu and the others were also a little tired. For the time being, these people won't come directly to make trouble, so there's no need for them to stay outside all the time!

(End of this chapter)

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