Chapter 1873 Don't show mercy
In an instant, there was a violent shaking from the ground, except for Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo and the four great beasts, everyone else was shocked.

They looked around to see where the shaking was coming from!

Just when they were shocked, towering trees sprang out from the ground, and the rows of orderly and majestic houses collapsed under the pressure of the towering trees!

The originally good house suddenly became a ruin!Although few of the disciples in the house were injured, they were stunned by the sudden scene and rushed out of the house as if fleeing for their lives.

Looking at the four great beasts in the air, they were all frightened, and looked at their leader in puzzlement.

And Di Yuanmo's figure stepped forward suddenly, and before the old man could react, his hand had already pinched his neck.

"What do you want to do?" He looked at Di Yuanmo in surprise.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but strands of black light followed his fingers and rushed into the body of the old man pinched by him.

"Remember clearly, from now on, as long as you dare to have any bad thoughts about us, your body will be in pain, don't try to find a solution, because it will only make you more painful, understand ?"

Di Yuanmo approached the old man's ear and threatened in a low voice, and the old man was immediately frightened and dared not move!
Di Yuanmo gently opened his hand, turned back to Zimeng's side, and looked at him coldly.

"Ah~ It hurts!" I don't know what the old man thought, and suddenly he fell to the ground and rolled in pain. Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, she knew what Di Yuanmo did to him, However, I don't know why he is in such pain!
"Yuan, what did you do?" Zi Meng approached Di Yuanmo and asked softly. Di Yuanmo lowered his head and smiled at Zi Meng, then lowered his head and kissed Zi Meng's hair, and continued to look at the crying and rolling people on the ground. .

"Let's go!" Di Yuanmo said, and Zi Meng shrugged. Now that the matter has been resolved, there is nothing worth staying here for them.

Qinglong took Di Yuanmo and Zimeng away, perhaps because they were able to threaten them openly, and everyone was frightened. In a short time, they must not dare to continue to trouble Zimeng and the others.

Zi Meng nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms in a good mood. Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng happy, so he was naturally in a good mood.

"Yuan, tell me, if this happens, they won't dare to trouble us anymore?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo and said, Di Yuanmo gently stroked Zi Meng's shoulder.

"Maybe, but after that, no matter how many people they come, we don't have to show mercy." Di Yuanmo's words made Zimeng laugh immediately.

In fact, she thought so too. Although Kaiwei was the one who dealt with those people before, and Kaiwei made a move, which naturally killed them all. However, in the future, she will be able to do it herself, so she is naturally very excited!

"Since it's okay for the time being, let's go out for a walk first. It's rare that the two of us have time to spend alone." Di Yuanmo looked down at the smile on Zimeng's face, and Zimeng nodded happily.

Indeed, during this period of time, after arriving here, there were always people around them, and Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo rarely spent time alone.

It's rare, there are only the two of them here now, so naturally we can't miss this opportunity, and we can go back after they enjoy it!

(End of this chapter)

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