Chapter 1876
"When all the things you need to be busy are done, let's find a quiet place and move Qinglong and Lucky out, just the two of us together, okay?"

Di Yuanmo's chin rested lightly on Zi Meng's head, and he spoke softly. Zi Meng tightened his arms around Di Yuanmo, and burrowed into Di Yuanmo's arms without opening his mouth.

However, the smile on the corner of her mouth has shown that she is very willing to do this. Recently, they really have too many things to do, and it is difficult to have such a quiet moment of mutual dependence.

Every time, she snuggled up quietly with Di Yuanmo, although no one spoke, Zimeng's heart would be filled to the brim.

Qinglong and the others looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo cuddling each other from afar, they didn't come forward to disturb, they talked quietly in the distance.

And Zimeng and Di Yuanmo also knew that now was not the time for the two of them to love each other, but to be busy with their immediate affairs first, and then, there would be some time for the two of them to be alone.

"I don't know if these people will come to make trouble again!" Zi Meng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms and spoke softly. Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng.

"Go and see." Di Yuanmo said softly, Zi Meng came out of Di Yuanmo's arms, and looked up at Di Yuanmo.

"What do you mean?" Zi Meng blinked in confusion, Di Yuan Mo's mouth curled into a faint smile, Zi Meng tilted her head to look at Di Yuan Mo, not understanding what Di Yuan Mo meant.

When Qinglong and the others felt Di Yuanmo's aura, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were no longer there, and they didn't care. They continued chatting, as if they didn't see Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo leave.

"What are they doing here? I haven't gone back yet?" Mu Xi looked at Qinglong and the others pitifully.

"Then let's rest here for a while, and we'll talk when they come back." Bai Hu looked at Mu Xi helplessly, and Mu Xi could only nod in agreement, and looked down at Lucky, who hadn't woken up, and sighed.

Bai Hu gently rubbed Mu Xi's head, and Mu Xi raised his head and smiled at him.

Hiding in Di Yuanmo's space, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked at the situation in front of them. Although the houses were destroyed by Zi Meng's trees, they were tidying them up in an orderly manner, nothing serious .

"Master, do you need to go to them to settle accounts?"

"No need, if this goes on, I'm afraid our lives will be over!" The old man who was frightened by Zimeng and the others shook his head hastily when he heard what his subordinates said.

Before, he didn't believe what Di Yuanmo said, and he was thinking about how to deal with Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, but just as he started to think about it, his body hurt so much that he almost died.

It wasn't until he stopped thinking about how to deal with Zimeng and Di Yuanmo that the pain was relieved.

Now, he really didn't dare to think about how to deal with Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, tell me, does this mean that we won't be in any trouble after that?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a happy smile on her face, and Di Yuanmo nodded, and lightly touched Zi Meng's face. Pressed a kiss lightly.

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo, and the smile on her face grew even stronger!
"Next, what are your plans?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, Zimeng thought for a while, but couldn't figure out why.

However, she knew that what they had to do now was to go back to the space of the Creator God, pick up the children, and then go to the God Realm to find Yu's body.

Then, she and Di Yuanmo can enjoy the peaceful life they have always wanted!
(End of this chapter)

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