Chapter 188 Be careful I will push you down

"How could this be?" Nan Jin Chuyue sat down in a daze, tilting her head to think about the authenticity of this matter.

Zimeng also sat quietly on the bed and didn't speak. This incident has already happened, what else can he say?
"Lucky, can the blood contract be cancelled?" Zi Meng looked at Lucky and asked softly.

"It's okay to cancel, but..." Lying on Qinglong's shoulder, Lucky looked at Zimeng and then at Nanjin Chuyue with some embarrassment.

"But what?" Zimeng asked puzzled.

"Contract contact means that one of them has died." When Xuan Wu said this, he was looking at Nan Jin Chuyue.

Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Xuan Wu in shock, and Xuan Wu nodded lightly.

"I'm sorry!" Zi Meng held back for a long time, but just said these three words. Nan Jin Chuyue looked up at Zi Meng. What reason does Chuyue have to blame her?
"Needless to say I'm sorry, I did it voluntarily, and, at that time, if I didn't sign a blood contract with you, I'm afraid you would die, right?"

Nan Jin Chuyue took a deep breath, smiled at Zi Meng, and Zi Meng frowned at Nan Jin Chuyue.

"Today, I, Zi Meng, swear here that I am no different from Nan Jin Chuyue as a master and servant. I will not use the blood contract if I dare not do anything in the future. If you violate the contract, you will be punished by heaven."

Zimeng sat on the bed and thought for a while, as if she had made a decision, she raised her finger and swore solemnly.

This oath shocked Nan Jin Chuyue. No matter who it was, they wouldn't make such a decision, would they?
She is the eldest lady of Nanjin's family, and because of the contract with Xuanwu, her status in Nanjin's family is naturally not low. Did Zimeng give up her master-servant relationship with her just like that?

Regarding Zimeng's decision, neither Qinglong nor Lucky had any opinion, and even Xuanwu laughed.

Nan Jin Chuyue looked at Zimeng's lowered hand, and smiled too. Zimeng had already made such an oath, so why would she be dissatisfied.

"If anything happens, just let me know, and I will definitely help." Nan Jin Chuyue has already decided that Zi Meng is her friend, she has made it up.

"Thank you." Zi Meng looked at Nan Jin Chuyue and smiled happily.

Qinglong and Xuanwu looked at each other, and both breathed a sigh of relief. This matter, this solution, should be considered relatively satisfactory.

"Master Qinglong, I've been hungry for a long time, is there anything to eat?" With no worries, Zimeng returned to her previous appearance.

Looking at Qinglong, his eyes were filled with peach hearts, and the corners of Qinglong's mouth twitched slightly.

He still felt that Zimeng just now was more like his master. Can he say he doesn't know this funny comparison?
Qinglong looked at Zimeng's nympho, turned and left with disgust on his face.

"Hey, Si Qinglong, don't think that you are a great god, I dare not do anything to you, if you despise me so much, be careful that I will push you down!"

Seeing the back of Qinglong leaving, Zimeng couldn't help shouting. Qinglong staggered, turned his head, and stared at Zimeng viciously, but Zimeng burst out laughing.

The appearance of a successful trick made Qinglong's teeth itch with hatred.

Both Xuanwu and Nanjin Chuyue looked at Zimeng uncomfortably. They never expected that a girl like Zimeng would say such a thing.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that what I just said scared you? I don't mind. I just can't understand his arrogant look. "

(End of this chapter)

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