Chapter 1884 Contract Interruption
A stream of water from Xuanwu extinguished the fire on Mu Xi's head, and at the same time, drenched Mu Xi's whole body. Mu Xi fell to the ground and took a deep breath. He was very afraid of fire. The fire on his body was lit.

If he is burned, he will be useless in the future!

And Di Yuanmo had already put the luck in his hand on the ground, and the palm of Di Yuanmo's palm had been scalded with scars.

After looking at his luck, Di Yuanmo used spiritual energy to heal his hand, but found that he couldn't heal the wound on his hand at all, which was almost never happened before.

Just when Di Yuanmo couldn't figure out why his wound couldn't heal, Zi Meng's whole body was surrounded by colorful lights that suddenly appeared, and no one could get close to Zi Meng.

That light seemed to be protecting Zimeng, but it also seemed to be trapping Zimeng.

"This doesn't look like a promotion!" Qinglong looked at Zimeng's situation, and said softly, Baihu and the others nodded, promotion can't be in this state, right?

"Yeah, I always feel that the situation is not good!" Suzaku looked at Zimeng, a little anxious.

Di Yuanmo and the others didn't know what to say, they could only look at Zimeng quietly, and Di Mofan also moved closer to Zimeng.

"Mo Fan, what are you doing? Don't get close to mother, or you will get hurt!" Di Moqi saw Di Mofan approaching Zimeng a little bit, and was a little worried, and wanted to step forward to pull Di Mofan back, but, Di Moqi Mo Fan turned his head and showed a sweet smile to Di Moqi and the others.

Then, he turned his head and rushed directly to Zimeng. Immediately, a dazzling light emanated from Zimeng's body, and it didn't dissipate for a long time. Di Yuanmo and the others were so blinded by the strong light that they couldn't open their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, Zimeng and Di Mofan were no longer in place, leaving only a messy ground.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo rushed to the place where Zi Meng was practicing just now, and couldn't believe that Zi Meng and Di Mo Fan just disappeared!

"Mother is gone, and Mo Fan is gone!" Looking at the place where Zimeng was nowhere to be seen, Di Moqi's mouth curled up, tears streaming down his face.

Di Moli patted Di Moqi's shoulder lightly, and Di Moqi wiped the teardrops on his face with his sleeve, and suppressed the tears in his eyes, but still looked at Di Yuanmo with pitiful eyes.

Under their gaze, Di Yuanmo slowly closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened them suddenly, full of disbelief and shock.

"My life thread didn't respond!" After Di Yuanmo's words fell, Qinglong and the others also responded.

Everyone's expression was a little painful, Chuangshishen and Yu looked at them with some puzzlement.

It doesn't matter if Di Yuanmo's life thread doesn't respond, why are the expressions of the four great beasts so painful?

"The contract between us and her has been broken!" Qinglong looked at Di Yuanmo and Chuangshishen, and Baihu and the others frowned, not knowing what to say, and they also felt very strange.

Logically speaking, the contract between Zi Meng and the four great beasts cannot be untied so easily. Unless Zi Meng dies, the contract between them will disappear, but it is impossible to be interrupted!

"Interrupted? Could it be that something happened to Zimeng?" Yu looked at the four great beasts worriedly.

"The contract is still there, it's just been interrupted. We can't feel Zimeng's aura." Baihu shook his head slightly and looked at Yu, Di Yuanmo's expression became more and more ugly.

If Zimeng is in front of him, no matter what happens, he can find a way to solve it with Zimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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