Chapter 1890 Looking for Zi Meng (6)

"Have you heard? The head of the Manxi family recently adopted a adopted daughter, and she picked it up somewhere."

"What did you hear? I have seen it with my own eyes. It is absolutely beautiful, much more beautiful than the women here!"

"Yes, yes, but, unfortunately, it seems that I don't remember anything."

"That's really a pity. By the way, isn't she competing in martial arts today to recruit relatives? Why don't you go and see the excitement?"

Di Yuanmo and the others had been gone for some time, but when they heard this, they all stopped. They all suspected that what these people were talking about should be Zimeng.

However, if it was really Zimeng, how could Zimeng not remember anything, and, besides, she was still competing in martial arts to recruit relatives?
"Whether it's true or not, we'll know if we follow up and have a look, let's go!" Di Yuanmo looked at the men leaving in front of him with a stern expression, stepped forward and followed directly, and the others also hurriedly followed.

This time, because he was walking with other people, he only wanted to confirm if it was Zimeng, but he didn't go wrong, and soon arrived at the tightly surrounded martial arts arena.

Di Yuanmo and the others stood outside, unable to see what was going on on the stage at all.

"I heard that Miss Zimeng is very powerful, and those who go up to compete with her are not her opponents at all!"

Zi Meng?

This name made Di Yuanmo and the others' minds explode, and everyone was stunned, it turned out to be Zi Meng.

"I want to go in and have a look, maybe it's really Zi'er!" Di Yuanmo's face turned dark when he heard Zi Meng's name, and everyone else could see that Di Yuanmo was enduring his anger.

"You have to calm down, don't forget, those people said that Zimeng can't remember the past, so even if she competes in martial arts to recruit relatives, it is justifiable."

Qinglong looked at Di Yuanmo like this, and grabbed Di Yuanmo's arm to prevent Di Yuanmo from being impulsive. Di Yuanmo turned his head and gave Qinglong a cold look. Yuan Mo.

"Yeah, let's take a look first. If it's really Zimeng, we'll find a way to get in touch with her. Maybe she can think about the past? Rushing over now will put Zimeng in a dilemma." Yu He also looked up at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then carefully squeezed into the crowd with Qinglong and the others. When they could see the people on the competition stage, Di Yuanmo's footsteps froze in place. Unable to move forward.

"Zi'er..." The person on the competition stage was indeed Zi Meng, her expressions and movements remained unchanged, the only thing that changed was the strangeness in her expression.

"It's really her, what's going on?" Bai Hu looked at Zi Meng and asked in confusion.

Zimeng on the stage was ruthless, completely different from before, so they all wanted to know what happened to Zimeng these few days!
"Let's see first and then talk?" Qinglong didn't stop Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo didn't know how to move forward.

However, the moment he saw Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo's heart was relieved and he was relieved.

"Since we have found Zi'er and know that Zi'er is safe now, let's talk about the rest when we get along with Zi'er!" Di Yuanmo clenched his fist tightly, restraining himself from rushing forward to hug her. Zimeng thought, turned and left.

None of them thought that Di Yuanmo would make such a choice, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw Di Yuanmo who was staring at Zimeng closely in the same place.

(End of this chapter)

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