Chapter 1895
This made Manxi very angry, but under the watchful eyes of all the people, he could only hold his anger in his heart.

"Father, he is my friend." After Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, she opened her mouth to explain to Manxi, and Manxi then withdrew her gaze from glaring at Di Yuanmo.

"Mengmeng, you have to remember that in this world, only I am the best for you, you know?" Manxi looked at Zimeng, his eyes full of hunger and thirst, which made Zimeng frown.

Zimeng didn't seem to want to pay attention to him, and turned to leave, but Manxi didn't leave after watching Zimeng leave, and turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"I warn you, it's best not to get too close to Mengmeng. Mengmeng belongs to me, and can only belong to me. In the future, she can only marry me, you know?"

Manxi looked at Di Yuanmo, looked at Di Yuanmo coldly, the inevitability in his eyes made Di Yuanmo's expression a bit colder.

From Di Yuanmo's point of view, this person is a flawed guy. As Zimeng's adoptive father, he still wants to marry Zimeng.

Zimeng belongs to Di Yuanmo, how could Di Yuanmo give him a chance?
"If you dare to attack her, I will kill you!" Di Yuanmo stepped forward and approached Manxi, the murderous look in his eyes made Manxi feel dazed for a while.

Di Yuanmo didn't give him a chance to fight back, and turned to look for Zimeng, maybe because Zimeng didn't want to go back to the so-called 'home' that she didn't like.

Zi Meng took Di Mofan to a quiet place, sat there, looked at the scene in front of him, with a blank expression on his face, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Knowing that Zimeng is here, Qinglong and the others also rushed over and looked at Zimeng.

"To be honest, I don't know why, I forget everything, but I can feel that I seem to have forgotten something very important, but no matter how I think about it, I can't think of what it is."

Zimeng looked at the grass in front of him, and opened his mouth softly. Di Mofan stood by Zimeng's side, looked up at Zimeng, and looked at her very puzzled, as if he didn't understand what she said.

"Mother..." Di Moqi looked at Zimeng and wanted to go forward, but she didn't dare to go. Her pitiful appearance made Zimeng want to go forward to appease her.

Zimeng heard Di Moqi's voice, turned her head, and saw Di Moli and Di Moqi two children hiding beside Di Yuanmo, looking at Zimeng carefully, wanting to get closer but not daring to approach, shedding tears Zimeng felt distressed by her appearance.

"You two, come here." Zi Meng stretched out her hands to Di Moli and Di Moqi. The two children looked up at Di Yuanmo. He nodded to the two children. The two children walked to Zimeng. side.

Sitting next to Zimeng, looking at the same scenery as Zimeng, although Zimeng hasn't thought of them yet, Zimeng's willingness to approach them has already made them very happy.

"Mother, can you still not remember who we are?" Di Moqi looked up at Zimeng, and said aggrievedly, Zimeng looked at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry, although I don't know why you must call me mother, but I really don't remember you."

Zimeng's words made Di Moqi even more wronged. Di Moqi's hand, Di Moqi's, was a comfort to her loss, but Di Moqi looked at Di Moli, stopped talking, and sat there quietly.

Di Mofan turned his head to look at Di Yuanmo and Xiaolu. Although he also didn't remember anything, he felt that Di Yuanmo and Xiaolu were very familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had seen them before.

(End of this chapter)

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